These Principles aim to ensure government-funded infrastructure is built with the necessary connectivity infrastructure at the outset.
NSW Government infrastructure needs to be digitally enabled from the start, to ensure equitable access to digital services. Digital connectivity is an essential service, much like water and electricity, yet it isn’t always factored into infrastructure planning.
The Digital Connectivity Principles aim to ensure NSW Government funded infrastructure is built with the digital connectivity infrastructure it needs to support the connectivity needs of the community, government agencies and emergency services.
All NSW Government agencies and statutory bodies need to consider the Principles when planning new infrastructure projects. Compliance with the Principles is mandatory for all NSW Government-funded projects that require a business case, in accordance with Department of Customer Service Circular (DCS-2024-01).
Benefits of the Principles
- Improved social, economic and public safety outcomes by ensuring communities, government agencies and emergency services have the connectivity they need when accessing NSW Government infrastructure.
- Efficient and effective government investment in digital connectivity infrastructure that meets the needs of people accessing NSW Government infrastructure.
- Better digital connectivity outcomes for people using NSW government infrastructure by encouraging innovation and continuous improvement.
The high-level principles recognise there is no singular approach because government infrastructure projects are diverse, as are the connectivity needs of people who use the infrastructure.