Murrumbidgee LHD staff profiles

Meet some of the people who are part of the vibrant team in our District.

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Showing 1 - 10 of 92 results
Health facilities

Ambulatory care clinic Lithgow Hospital

Ambulatory care clinic patients can access specialist appointments, tests and procedures without being admitted to hospital.

Health facilities

Antenatal (pregnancy) care clinic Lithgow Hospital

Antenatal care clinic patients can access specialist appointments, tests and procedures without being admitted to hospital.

Health facilities

Anxiety Disorders Clinic

Patients aged 18 to 65 years can attend appointments to help diagnose and manage anxiety disorders, without being admitted to hospital.

Health facilities

Blue Mountains Assertive Community Treatment Team

This specialist team provides intensive mental health services for people with a severe mental illness living in the Blue Mountains and Lithgow areas.

Health facilities

Blue Mountains Hospital - contact details

Blue Mountains District ANZAC Memorial Hospital provides 24-hour emergency and a range of general inpatient services and outpatient clinics.

Health facilities

Blue Mountains Mental Health Access Team

We provide mental health assessment and short-term support options for people with immediate mental health concerns, and arrange referral to appropriate community-based services for ongoing care.

Health facilities

Blue Mountains Mental Health Unit

Blue Mountains Hospital has a small mental health inpatient unit providing short-term 24-hour care for people experiencing acute mental health issues.

Health facilities

Blue Mountains Older Persons Community Team

We offer a range of mental health services to support older people and people with age-related frailty.

Health facilities

Blue Mountains sexual health and HIV clinic

Sexual health and HIV patients can access specialist appointments, tests and procedures without being admitted to hospital.

Health facilities

Cardiology (heart) outpatient clinic Blue Mountains Hospital

Cardiology outpatient clinic patients can access specialist appointments, tests and procedures without being admitted to hospital.

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