The annual ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ afternoon tea was held in October and organisers have once again donated money raised at the event to the Broken Hill and District Cancer Network (BHDCCN).
This year, the ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ event raised $3,305.00 which they donated to the BHDCCN.
‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ is a gathering of women from the Broken Hill community who come together each October to celebrate friendship and enjoy each other’s company over an afternoon tea or a glass of champagne. At the same time, they raise money for a service related to cancer. ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ started in 2016 when Broken Hill resident Deb Pryor held a small afternoon tea at her house with a group of women impacted by cancer. The event now has a large group of regular and new attendees.
The BHDCCN assists with providing basic financial support if required for people with a cancer diagnosis, such as one-off payments of utility bills or household accounts.
Welcome donation: (From left) Sandra Turley (Cancer Care Coordinator), Melissa Cumming (Director Cancer and Palliative Care Services) with Deb Pryor and Joan Simons from ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’.
Since its inception the ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ event has raised $14,923.00 for the Network.
Organisers of ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ are grateful for the many amazing donations of products from local individuals and businesses which are then raffled off during the afternoon tea, raising these much-needed funds.
Melissa Cumming FWLHD Director Cancer and Palliative Care Services and Sandra Turley FWLHD Cancer Care Coordinator from the BHDCCN both attended the event along with some other staff members, with Melissa the guest speaker for the event. Both thanked Deb and all those involved in ‘Luv Ya Girlfriend’ for their very generous donation of $3,305.00 which will provide much needed financial support for people during their cancer diagnosis or treatment.
For more information about Cancer Care Coordination in FWLHD phone Sandra Turley on 08 80801197.
The Broken Hill Hospital Kiosk Auxiliary volunteers have again helped Far West Local Health District purchase equipment for use in the Broken Hill Hospital.
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