Contact information
- Address: 3 Pitman Avenue, Buronga NSW 2739
- Phone: (03) 5021 7200
- Email:
- Opening hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday
About the facility
Servicing the communities of Buronga, Dareton, Gol Gol, Wentworth, Euston and Balranald, the new purpose-built facility was funded by the NSW Government’s $100 million HealthOne NSW program.
The new facility opened for operations on 14 July 2022 and brings together a wide range of health services and complement existing health services and facilities in the region. Buronga HeathOne incorporates the Dareton Primary Health Service.
Services are available for all members of the community, and are free of charge. The facility is staffed by a team of Clinical Nurse Specialists, Registered Nurses and Aboriginal Health Practitioners, with visiting Medical and Allied Health professionals. Outreach services are delivered across the Shires of Wentworth and Balranald.
The following services are provided:
- Primary Health
- Mental Health, Drug and Alcohol Service
- Child and Family Health, Building Stronger Foundations
- Community Midwife
- Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Service
- Aboriginal Health Workers/Practitioner
- Social Worker
- Psycho-Oncology Counsellor to assist with a broad range of cancer or life-limiting related difficulties
- Dental
- Women's Health
- Continence
- Early Intervention Educator
- Diabetes Education
- Chronic, Complex and Aged Care
- Palliative Care
- Visiting Allied Health.
The opportunity to develop the facility on this site was made possible with thanks to the Barkandji Nations. A landmark agreement signed between the Barkandji communities and the NSW Government will see Native Title preserved.
Visit Health Infrastructure NSW to read more about the facility's development.