About us
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water began operating on 1 January 2024 when the Department of Planning and Environment was split into 2 new entities.
As announced in August 2023, the Department of Planning and Environment was split into 2 new dedicated entities: the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, and the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure. The changes took effect from 1 January 2024.
These changes followed a detailed review and analysis of services and programs with the aim of delivering on the NSW Government’s commitment to taking serious action on climate change, keeping the lights on for households, leading the essential transition to clean renewable energy, and securing the future of water and our natural environment.
Strategic Plan
Our ambitious Strategic Plan sets out what we aim to achieve as a department and how we will go about achieving it.
The plan outlines our vision and purpose, the approaches and values we will apply to our work, and the initiatives we are putting in place to deliver our government priorities.
Over 1,000 DCCEEW staff were consulted to develop the plan from March to June 2024. We are committed to reviewing the plan on an ongoing basis to ensure it continues to be relevant and forward-thinking.
Download our Strategic Plan to find out more:
Strategic Plan accessible Word version (DOCX 92.33KB)
Our vision is to create thriving environments and communities for every generation.
Together we take action and empower others to:
- protect, restore and enhance the natural environment
- secure clean, reliable and affordable energy
- act on climate change to reduce emissions
- adapt to climate change
- sustain and improve water resources
- conserve and celebrate culture and heritage.
Strategic approach
We apply our strategic approach to all our work:
- We respect, recognise and embed Aboriginal knowledge to care for Country
- We earn the trust and build capacity of the people and communities we work with
- We work across NSW Government and with all sectors to co-design and leverage opportunities
- We collaborate, inspire and empower each other to do great work
- We are evidence-based in design, delivery and decision-making
- We measure, share and learn from our outcomes
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan
We are currently developing a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan and would like your feedback on how we can improve equity and inclusion for our stakeholders. For more information please visit our Diversity, equity and inclusion webpage.
Our Ministers
Our responsibilities are spread across 2 ministers:
Minister for the Environment | The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC |
Minister for Climate Change | The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC |
Minister for Energy | The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC |
Minister for Heritage | The Hon Penny Sharpe MLC |
Minister for Water | The Hon Rose Jackson MLC |
More information on the department’s ministers can be found on the Parliament of New South Wales website.
Our Secretary
Anthony Lean is the Secretary of the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW). In his role, Anthony oversees a diverse portfolio to protect the state’s natural resources, environment and heritage as well as leading the way on climate change, driving the sustainable transition to a net zero economy and powering affordable, reliable, and clean energy.
Anthony is a highly respected public sector leader with more than 15 years of senior executive experience. He has an exemplary track record of overseeing complex organisations and programs, setting strategic vision and delivering results.
Most recently, Anthony was the Deputy Chief Executive at The Law Society of NSW. He has an extensive career in leadership and legal positions within the NSW public sector, including at the Office of Environment and Heritage, State Insurance Regulatory Authority and the former NSW Department of Finance, Services and Innovation.
Corporate information
Media enquiries
For all media enquiries and information for journalists, contact media@environment.nsw.gov.au