Spatial Services Executive Director Narelle Underwood said the Cadastre NSW project recently took the top prize for the Asia-Pacific Spatial Excellence Award (APSEA) for Innovation, the peak annual industry awards for the surveying and spatial profession.
"This is an incredible achievement by the Spatial Services team and is well-earned recognition of their ground-breaking work," Ms Underwood said.
"The Cadastre NSW project supports local government, industry and customers by enabling access to intelligent digital property data before registration of survey plans."
"By capturing subdivision data starting from Development Application through to registration, Spatial Services enables monitoring of the property lifecycle and allows for real time insights in the property sector. The NSW economy directly benefits with reduced land holding costs and downtime.
"These issues are often experienced in property development when this important data is not available to those working in the planning, development and construction process."
The award was accepted by the Spatial Services Executive Director Narelle Underwood on behalf of the Cadastre NSW team.
In early May, Cadastre NSW was also recognised at state level with the NSW Regional APSEA for Innovation. At the same presentation, Spatial Services was further recognised for its contribution to the Land Unit Classification System for Rural Valuation alongside Valuer General NSW, CarbonLink and FrontierSI with the ASPEA for Spatial Enablement.
For more information about Cadastre NSW visit the Spatial Services web page.