Create NSW’s Createability Internship Program invites applications for its 2024 program, opening the door for NSW artists and arts workers with a disability or who are d/Deaf to gain valuable paid experience and professional development and increase their networks in their chosen field.
Up to 10 interns will be selected in 2024 to work with host organisations in Regional NSW, Western Sydney and Sydney including ABC Children's original team, ABC (Compass), Animal Logic, Belvoir, Bronte Pictures, Erth Visual and Physical Inc, Legs on the Wall, Lingo Pictures, Musica Viva, The Orange Regional Conservatorium, Outloud, Performance Space, SBS Special Broadcasting Service, Sydney Theatre Company, Tantrum Youth Arts, and Varuna - The Eleanor Dark Foundation Limited.
The internship opportunities range from technical TV production roles, digital production, program research, behind-the-scenes theatre roles, to marketing, fundraising, audience development and event support.
The Createability Internship Program is delivered through Create NSW and Screen NSW, in partnership with disability advocacy organisation Accessible Arts to grow pathways to employment for arts and screen practitioners with disability or who are d/Deaf. Accessible Arts will provide training for host organisations and interns to improve access and inclusion, helping to remove the barriers people with disability often face in the workplace.
In 2023, Renee Allara completed an internship with Cementa Inc in Kandos, NSW and found the experience to be overwhelmingly positive, with her needs and specialised skills working in community arts appreciated and embraced.