Replacing flammable cladding: information for the building and construction industry
Information for the building and construction industry about our project to replace flammable cladding in New South Wales.
Key information
Project Remediate is replacing flammable cladding on eligible buildings
The managing contractor, Hansen Yuncken, is procuring the services of contractors and consultants for Project Remediate.
Opportunities are available for businesses and contractors to tender for work in the program.
You can submit details of materials that you'd like to have considered for specification.
The benefits of using Project Remediate to fix flammable cladding
Cladding can be replaced on occupied buildings.
The highest standards will be implemented to ensure the safety of residents and workers.
Works will be overseen by the managing contractor, Hansen Yuncken, to ensure compliance and regulatory obligations are met, including site management and safety.
Only properly trained and authorised people are allowed to work on a Project Remediate site.
Protecting consumers
The NSW Building Commissioner, David Chandler talks about how the government project to replace flammable cladding will protect consumers.

The Building Commissioner talks Project Remediate
Workplace safety on Project Remediate sites
Remediation works take place on occupied sites where people live, work and visit.
The safety of occupants, visitors, and workers on all Project Remediate sites is non-negotiable. Getting everyone home safe is a key priority.
The Managing Contractor, Hansen Yuncken, and SafeWork NSW talk about safety on Project Remediate sites.

Workplace safety on Project Remediate sites.
The Managing Contractor, Hansen Yuncken, and SafeWork NSW talk about safety on Project Remediate sites.
Project Remediate has coverage for public liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, and contract works insurance.
Contractors are named as insured under the public liability insurance and contract works insurance policies.
Consultants are named as insured under the public liability insurance and professional indemnity insurance policies.
Contact Lockton Australia (the insurance broker for Project Remediate) for more information about these insurance policies.
Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) insurance exemption
Special arrangements have been negotiated with the State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) that are unique to remediating combustible cladding under Project Remediate. This arrangement takes into account the program’s quality assurance features and strong insurance coverage.
When an owners corporation decides at a general meeting to sign Project Remediate contracts, it will be given the option to consent to the contractor applying for an exemption from HBCF insurance.
If the owners corporation chooses that option, then the contractor will apply to SIRA for the exemption using the form that Hansen Yuncken will provide to them.
SIRA will make a decision whether or not to grant an exemption upon receipt of documents and information provided. They will consider:
- The information provided about the owners corporation, the building, and the contractor
- Confirmation from the Office of Project Remediate that the owners corporation is eligible to participate in Project Remediate.
The exemption is not available for works done outside Project Remediate.
Contact Hansen Yuncken at for more information.
Register your interest to supply cladding
You can register your interest in supplying cladding materials for Project Remediate below.
Submit cladding materials or systems
Complete this application to propose cladding materials and systems for use in Project Remediate.
Contact Hansen Yuncken for more information about these opportunities.
Project Remediate Pattern Book
The Project Remediate Pattern Book is a resource to help consultants, designers, fabricators and installers replace combustible cladding under the program. It includes free technical design drawings. It is a living document that will be reviewed and updated throughout the life of Project Remediate.
Industry briefing
The briefing for the building and construction industry held on 1 September 2021 had presentations by:
- the NSW Building Commissioner
- the Managing Contractor
- the Cladding Taskforce
- the Cladding Product Safety Panel
- the Office of Project Remediate
- SafeWork NSW
- the Business Assurance Solution.