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For more information and resources around OCHRE and Local Decision Making (LDM) see the Local Decision Making (LDM) pages.
OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1 – all OCHRE initiatives
The first stage of the OCHRE Evaluation looked at all of the OCHRE initiatives, including Local Decision Making.
OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1 reports relating to Local Decision Making
- OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1 Synthesis report
- Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation Local Decision Making
- Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Local Decision Making - Summary report and full report
- Three Rivers Regional Assembly Local Decision Making
OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1 reports relating to Aboriginal Cultural and Language Nests and Opportunity Hubs
- Campbelltown Opportunity Hub - Summary report and full report
- Tamworth Opportunity Hub - Summary report and full report
- Gumbaynggir Language and Culture Nest - Summary report and full report
- North West Wiradjuri Language and Culture Nest - Summary report and full report
For information on how the Connected Communities OCHRE initiative is progressing please see Connected Communities
Responses to the OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1
Both the NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Regional Alliances (NCARA) and the Deputy Ombudsman (Aboriginal Affairs) responded to the findings of the OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1 and made recommendations for future progress:
General documents relating to the OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1
For more information about how the OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1 was set up see
The OCHRE Approach to evaluation 2015 is a living document broadly outlining the next 10 years and providing detail on the plan for the conversations about implementation.
The evaluation plan sets out how the evaluation will occur. It includes the considerations in the design, the scope and details of the first stage – implementation and early outcomes. The plan is a living document and will develop over time in conversations with both the NSW Government and the communities involved.
The evaluation plans provide the details of what information will be collected on Country and how this information will be collected. The plans are provided under the heading ‘Evaluation Plans’ on the Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW’s website.
The plans cover
- Campbelltown Opportunity Hub
- Tamworth Opportunity Hub
- Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation - Local Decision Making
- Murdi Paarki Regional Assembly - Local Decision Making
- Gumbaynggirr Aboriginal Language and Culture Nest
- North West Wiradjuri Aboriginal Language and Culture Nest
The findings and recommendations from the evaluation of the implementation and early outcomes are provided under the heading ‘Site Reports’ on the Social Policy Research Centre, University of NSW’s website. There is a full report and a summary report for each of the programs included in the evaluation and a report that synthesises the findings across these programs. The reports are made available with the approval of the local Aboriginal communities involved and belong to the members of those communities.
This report presents the preliminary findings from the second stage of the OCHRE Evaluation.
Case studies showcase how LDM is achieving innovative cross-cluster, place-based solutions to entrenched issues. Through its bottom-up, Aboriginal-led regional governance structures, community voices are reaching government agencies and achieving remarkable outcomes.
However, government needs to do more to harness the full potential of LDM including strengthening leadership for LDM across government, properly resourcing Aboriginal leadership, and changing government processes to enable agile, holistic and tailored responses to complex issues.
The Australian National University Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research is conducting this evaluation in partnership with the following LDM governance bodies:
- NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Regional Alliances
- Barang Regional Alliance
- Illawarra-Wingacarribee Aboriginal Alliance Corporation
- Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly
- Riverina Murray Regional Alliance
- Three Rivers Regional Assembly
View the report at Preliminary Findings - OCHRE Local Decision Making Evaluation Stage 2 (ANU link)
As the first multi-regional Accord in NSW, the NCARA–State Accord is an important milestone under Local Decision Making (LDM). It commits the NSW Government and the NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Regional Alliances (NCARA) to work together to restore Aboriginal peoples to prosperity by shifting decision-making about government services in NSW from the centre to the grassroots.
This report is an outcome evaluation that assesses whether the NCARA–State Accord is achieving its goals of transforming government and relationships through LDM to progress Aboriginal community aspirations.
The evaluation finds that LDM enables NCARA to elevate the voice of Aboriginal peoples in the regions to the state level to address issues around service delivery, Closing the Gap outcomes and Aboriginal affairs policy more broadly in NSW.
The report provides evidence of how supporting Aboriginal community self-determination around service delivery achieves positive outcomes with and for Aboriginal communities across NSW.
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University is the independent evaluator. The evaluation was commissioned by Aboriginal Affairs NSW and co-designed with NCARA and key public sector officials involved in implementing the NCARA Accord. The report is owned by NCARA.
Link to OCHRE Local Decision Making Stage 2 Evaluation: NCARA–State Accord Evaluation Report
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation (IWAAC) Local Decision Making (LDM) Accord implementation.
IWAAC encompasses very diverse communities in the Illawarra and the Wingecarribee areas, with member organisations covering such elements of community life as elders, men’s group, health, and cultural food, education and well-being.
The evaluation finds that while LDM shows great promise, systemic barriers to successful implementation need to be addressed for it to reach its full potential, including:
- enabling flexible government processes
- supporting government cultural capability and a trauma-informed approach
- jointly developing a clear communications strategy to increase understanding of LDM among Aboriginal communities and government agencies
- promoting coordination across diverse government policies and Aboriginal groups to achieve shared goals
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University is the independent evaluator. The evaluation was commissioned by Aboriginal Affairs NSW and co-designed with IWAAC and key public sector officials involved in implementing the IWAAC Accord. The report is owned by IWAAC.
Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA) has a long history of self-determination in the north-west and far western regions of NSW and was the first party to sign a Local Decision Making (LDM) Accord with the NSW Government. MPRA has now signed a second LDM Accord, which is the subject of this evaluation.
The evaluation finds that LDM assists MPRA to fulfill their own regional objectives and facilitate collaboration between the region’s diverse Aboriginal communities.
Through LDM, MPRA has enhanced its already strong leadership, including young leaders, and has achieved cutting-edge outcomes such as:
- increased local employment and social housing outcomes through MPRA’s Regional Aboriginal Housing Leadership Assembly
- designing, collecting and analysing their own data and producing their own research
- participating in government procurement processes to ensure that services better meet local needs
The evaluation also finds that the NSW Government could better harness the opportunities provided by LDM to improve service delivery and Closing the Gap outcomes, by proactively including MPRA as a valued partner in designing, implementing and reviewing service delivery outcomes.
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University is the independent evaluator. The evaluation was commissioned by Aboriginal Affairs NSW and co-designed with MPRA and key public sector officials involved in implementing the MPRA Accord II. The report is owned by MPRA.
See the OCHRE Local Decision Making Stage 2 Evaluation: Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Evaluation Report
This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Three Rivers Regional Assembly (TRRA) Local Decision Making (LDM) Accord implementation.
The report finds that the Local Decision Making model has improved the working relationship between TRRA and the government, but more needs to be done to achieve genuine shared decision making.
With greater communication, resourcing and government cultural competence, government will be better able to trust Aboriginal voices when they identify needs and opportunities, rather than push-back.
TRRA Accord priority outcomes are relevant to a wide range of stakeholders and policy areas, and working proactively together will enable Local Decision Making to reach its full potential.
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University is the independent evaluator. The evaluation was commissioned by Aboriginal Affairs NSW and co-designed with TRRA and key public sector officials involved in implementing the TRRA Accord. The report is owned by TRRA.
See OCHRELocal Decision Making Stage 2 Evaluation: Three Rivers Regional Assembly Evaluation Report
Also see: OCHRE LDM Evaluation Stage 2: Evaluation Blueprint - A blueprint for the production of local evaluation plans 2019–2021. Developed by the Centre For Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at Australian National University 2019
Local Decision Making Accords Negotiation Evaluation
A special focus was also made on how Local Decision Making Accords are negotiated. These evaluations provide valuable insights into key issues for agreement making between Aboriginal peoples and the NSW Government.
Aboriginal Affairs NSW commissioned The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research to evaluate the Accord negotiations in three Local Decision Making (LDM) sites. This report consolidates the findings and lessons learnt from the three evaluations of LDM Accord negotiations between the Riverina-Murray Regional Alliance, Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly, Barang Regional Alliance, and the NSW Government.
LDM aims to redefine the relationship between NSW Aboriginal communities and the NSW Government, based on partnerships, agreements, and accountability.
See Local Decision Making Accords Negotiation Evaluation Synthesis Report (PDF 1.49MB)
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University has published the findings of the Local Decision Making Accord Negotiation Evaluation between The Barang Regional Alliance and NSW Government.
This report increases our understanding of the Accord negotiation process, identifies the strengths of the process, the challenges encountered, strategies for addressing these challenges and opportunities for improvements. This report is published with the permission of The Barang Regional Alliance.
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University has published the findings of the Local Decision Making Accord Negotiation Evaluation between The Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly and NSW Government.
This report increases our understanding of the Accord negotiation process, identifies the strengths of the process, the challenges encountered, strategies for addressing these challenges and opportunities for improvements. This report is published with the permission of The Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly.
View the Evaluation report - Accord II Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (PDF 3.08MB)
The Centre for Aboriginal Economic Policy Research at the Australian National University has published the findings of the Local Decision Making Accord Negotiation Evaluation between The Riverina-Murray Regional Alliance and NSW Government.
This report increases our understanding of the Accord negotiation process, identifies the strengths of the process, the challenges encountered, strategies for addressing these challenges and opportunities for improvements. This report is published with the permission of The Riverina-Murray Regional Alliance.
See Evaluation report - Riverina-Murray Regional Alliance (PDF 1.98MB)
Local Decision Making Review and Strategic Mapping
In addition to the OCHRE Evaluation, Aboriginal Affairs NSW commissioned a review of Local Decision Making and a strategic mapping of Local Decision Making against other key policy reform areas. See Review and Strategic Mapping of Local Decision Making.
OCHRE Practice Principles
OCHRE Practice Principles have been drafted from Aboriginal standpoints, proposing a focus on the following five key strengths-based principles to guide the NSW Government’s relationship with Aboriginal Communities:
- Aboriginal leadership
- Aboriginal diversity
- Aboriginal healing
- Aboriginal excellence
- Aboriginal knowledge, experience and expertise
See OCHRE Literature Review - Practice Principles Report.
Accountability Frameworks
The Accountability Frameworks paper draws on lessons from OCHRE to show how both Aboriginal forms of accountability and government forms of accountability can work together to achieve better outcomes. See Accountability Frameworks between States and Indigenous peoples.
Useful resources
Practice papers drawing on lessons from OCHRE are also available, providing best practice guidance on a range of topics:
- Practice paper – Co-designing recommendations to government: A literature review and case study
- Are we mates yet? Agreement making between States and First Nations – what literature & prior experience tells us
- Practice paper: Weaving Knowledges. knowledge exchange, co-design and community-based participatory research and evaluation in Aboriginal communities
- On our terms (PDF 1.06MB)
- Insiders Outsiders, Side by Siders (PDF 1.04MB)