Please view our page about Local Decision Making for further information about Aboriginal Alliances/Assemblies, Accords and NCARA.
Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Accord II
The NSW Government and the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA) have strengthened their relationship with a commitment to renewed Local Decision-Making arrangements, first established in 2015.
The Minister for Aboriginal Affairs signed the second overarching Accord with the Assembly Chairperson Des Jones via a virtual ceremony on 9 September 2020.
The Assembly and the NSW Government will now meet to negotiate schedules around the priorities for the three-year Accord, which will include economic development, law and justice, and early childhood and school education with health outcomes also identified across these priority areas.
Download the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Accord (PDF 1.42MB)
Riverina Murray Regional Alliance Local Decision Making Ngunggiyalali (Accord)
On 19 August 2020, an overarching Local Decision Making Ngunggiyalali (Accord) was signed between the NSW Government and the Riverina Murray Regional Alliance (RMRA) to commit to culturally-informed service delivery for Aboriginal communities across the region.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Don Harwin and Riverina Murray Regional Alliance (RMRA) Chairperson Ruth Davys marked the occasion with a virtual Accord Signing Ceremony.
The Agreement will see Government work with RMRA to preserve and enhance the Aboriginal cultures and identities of the region and increase the decision making autonomy, self-sufficiency and sustainability of its member communities.
RMRA and Government Lead Negotiators will now meet to negotiate schedules that focus on health, healing and wellbeing, law and justice, and housing.
NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Regional Alliances Accord
On the 27 February 2019 Mr Des Jones, then Chairperson of the NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Regional Alliances (NCARA) and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs The Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC, for the NSW Government, signed an Accord jointly committing to work together to support, renew and return Aboriginal people to prosperity. This is the first multi-regional Accord and marks an important milestone under Local Decision Making, which is a key initiative under OCHRE – the NSW Government’s community focused plan for Aboriginal affairs. Minister Mitchell commended NCARA for identifying two priority areas to work in partnership with the NSW Government:
- Decreasing the number of Aboriginal youth entering the juvenile justice system including incarceration rates and recidivism;
- Improving early childhood outcomes for Aboriginal children under five years of age, giving consideration to school-readiness, participation in pre-school education, health outcomes and family engagement.
Then Chairperson of NCARA, Des Jones said, “Aboriginal community voices are finally being heard and valued by the NSW Government under OCHRE”. Formal negotiations commenced in May 2019 prioritising engagement with government agencies to reduce the number of Aboriginal youth entering the juvenile justice system, including incarceration and recidivism. Considerable work was undertaken between the parties to develop targets and possible strategies.
Download the NSW Coalition of Aboriginal Regional Alliances Accord (PDF 981.79KB)
Murdi Paaki Social Housing Agreement
The Murdi Paaki Social Housing Agreement, signed on Monday 10 December 2018 between the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly and the NSW Government, is focused on enabling joint decision making on Aboriginal social housing in the region and aims to improve the quality of social housing services and supply whilst building the capacity of Aboriginal housing providers. The Agreement establishes the Regional Aboriginal Housing Leadership Assembly (RAHLA), a joint decision making body which will direct the expenditure of $15 million dollars earmarked for the Murdi Paaki region through the former National Partnership Agreement on Remote Indigenous Housing. The Agreement puts Aboriginal people at the heart of decision making and is the first real attempt under Local Decision Making to co-design and jointly manage an area of policy in NSW.
View the Murdi Paaki Social Housing Agreement (PDF 633.46KB)
RAHLA Terms of Reference (PDF 168.05KB)
RAHLA Dashboard - February 2021 (PDF 65.06KB)
Three Rivers Local Decision-Making Accord
On Monday 10 December 2018, the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, The Hon. Sarah Mitchell MLC and the Chair of the Three Rivers Regional Assembly, Rod Towney signed a landmark agreement between Aboriginal people in the Three Rivers region and the NSW Government. This is the third agreement (Accord) to be signed between an Aboriginal governance body and the NSW Government as part of Local Decision Making, an initiative of OCHRE, the NSW Government’s community focused plan for Aboriginal affairs. The Accord is the primary mechanism for directing service delivery redesign and reinvestment in order to meet the needs and priorities of the Assembly. Through the Accord, the Assembly has worked together with senior government negotiators to design a raft of new solutions to meet local communities’ needs in four priority areas, including Education, Housing, Economic Development and Health.
View the Three Rivers Local Decision Making Accord (PDF 957.88KB)
Illawarra Wingecarribee Accord
The second Local Decision Making Accord was signed between the Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation and the NSW Government on Country on 14 May 2018. The Accord was signed on behalf of the state of NSW by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and on behalf of the Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation by the Chair, Mr Geoffrey Maher. It outlines agreed actions to address the needs and priorities negotiated between the Alliance and the NSW Government.
View the Illawarra Wingecarribee Accord (PDF 838.42KB)
Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Accord
The first Local Decision Making Accord was signed between the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly (MPRA) and the NSW Government at Government House on 19 February 2015. The Accord was signed on behalf of the state of NSW by the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and on behalf of the Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly by then Chair, Mr Sam Jeffries. It outlines agreed actions to address the needs and priorities negotiated between MPRA and the NSW Government.