Plumbing, draining and gasfitting work
You need the right licence or certificate to do plumbing, draining, or gasfitting work. Before you apply you must meet the eligibility criteria, which include qualifications and experience.
Key information
- In NSW, you need a licence or certificate to do any plumbing, draining or gasfitting work regardless of the cost of the work or whether the work is residential, commercial or industrial.
- There are several types of licence available depending on the work you need to do.
- You need to be licensed in every category you intend to work in or under either the 'immediate supervision' or 'general supervision' of a person who is appropriately licenced.
- You must have the approved qualifications and experience before you can apply for a licence or certificate.
- You can apply to have a licence or certificate issued for 1, 3 or 5 years.
When you will need a plumbing, draining or gasfitting licence
In NSW, you need a licence or certificate before you can do any plumbing, draining or gasfitting work (including LP gasfitting), regardless of the cost of the work or whether the work is residential, commercial or industrial.
Plumbing, drainage and gasfitting includes many different categories of work. Each category is explained below.
You need to be licensed in every category you intend to work in.
You can apply for licences in different categories either all at once or individually.
If you need to add a new category later, you can do so by submitting a new application.
When does plumbing work need to be supervised?
Any work being done by a person who holds a tradesperson certificate issued by Building Commission NSW must be done under the ‘general supervision’ of a person who holds a contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate. The work must also be signed off by them.
Any work being done by a person who does not hold any form of a licence (including apprentices) must be under the ‘immediate supervision’ of a person who holds a contractor licence or a qualified supervisor certificate.
Building Commission NSW considers 'immediate supervision' to mean that the supervisor is:
- always physically present and with clear line of sight of the work being carried out by the person they are supervising,
- readily available to provide specific instructions and guidance which is adequate to enable the work to be undertaken correctly by the individual performing it,
- directly overseeing and reviewing the work, and
- ensuring the completed work is compliant and meets all regulatory requirements.
Learn more about supervisor responsibilities.
Licence types you can apply for
Plumbing, draining and gasfitting is specialist work.
There are several types of licences available in NSW depending on whether you want to:
- contract to do the work,
- supervise work,
- do the work, or
- do a combination of these roles.
The licence types that apply to plumbing, draining and gasfitting work are:
- Individual contractor licence
- Company or partnership contractor licence
- Qualified supervisor certificate
- Tradesperson certificate or provisional tradesperson certificate.
You can apply for these licence types for 1, 3 or 5 years. However, provisional tradesperson certificates are issued for 3 years and cannot be renewed.
Find out more about licence types and how to apply
You can also get started with applying for your licence or certificate at Service NSW.
Time frames for licensing and registration applications
Find out about the current application processing times for different licence and registration categories.
Categories of work
The description for each category of plumbing, draining and gasfitting work can be found in schedule 4 of the Home Building Regulation 2014.
‘Plumbing’ includes water plumbing, sewerage and sanitary work. It does not include draining work or roof plumbing.
- Water plumbing is work carried out in connection with the supply or conveyance of water. It includes the installation, alteration, extension, disconnection, removal, renewal, repair and maintenance of pipes, tanks, fixtures, appliances and fittings designed to convey, store, protect, treat, mix, measure, modify or regulate the flow of water, including hot water.
- Sewerage work is the construction, alteration, extension, disconnection, removal, maintenance, repair, renewal, ventilation, flushing or cleansing of any sewerage service pipes, or fittings or fixtures connecting, or intended to connect, directly or indirectly with a sewer or onsite wastewater management systems.
- Sanitary plumbing is work carried out in connection with the collection, conveyance or disposal of sewage, liquid trade wastes and other permitted discharges. It includes the installation, alteration, extension, disconnection, removal, renewal, repair and maintenance of pipes, tanks, fittings, appliances and fixtures designed to receive, convey, store, treat, modify or regulate the flow of sewage, liquid trade wastes or other permitted discharges. It includes the ventilation of those pipes, tanks, fittings, fixtures and appliances.
Water plumbing is the work of water supply, which is the construction, alteration, extension, disconnection, removal, maintenance, repair, renewal or clearing of any pipes or fittings of any water service connecting (or intending to connect) directly or indirectly with a water main.
This includes work on pipes and fittings, whether they are connected (or intended to be connected to) a water main or not, in a building in which any part of the sewerage service is connected to an onsite wastewater management system.
This is water plumbing involved in a fire service as defined in ‘AS/NZS 3500.0:2003, Plumbing and drainage, including a fire sprinkler system and connection of the system to a water main’.
This is water plumbing involved in a fire sprinkler system installed beyond the sprinkler valve assembly.
The work of irrigation includes the construction, alteration, extension, disconnection, removal, maintenance, repair, renewal or clearing of any pipes, fittings or equipment of any irrigation system communicating (or intending to communicate) directly or indirectly with any water main, and the connection of the system to a water main.
Draining is the work of sanitary drainage. This is the construction, alteration, extension, disconnection, removal, maintenance, repair, renewal, ventilation, flushing or cleansing of any sanitary drain connecting (or intended to connect) directly or indirectly with a sewer. This includes work on a house drain connected to an onsite wastewater management system.
Gasfitting work is defined by the Gas Supply Act 1996.
Gasfitting work means any work involved in:
- the installation, alteration, extension or repair of a gas installation
- the installation, alteration, extension, removal or repair of any flue
- the connection of a gas installation to, or the disconnection of a gas installation from, a gas supply point
- the connection of a gas appliance to, or the disconnection of a gas appliance from, a gas installation (otherwise than where the point of connection is a gas outlet socket)
- the connection of a gas container, gas regulator or gas appliance to, or the disconnection of a gas container, gas regulator or gas appliance from, a gas installation (otherwise than where it is readily designed to be detachable from the installation, either with the use of a tool, mechanical force, or otherwise).
Gasfitting work includes work on a gas installation (other than an autogas installation) connected (or intended to be connected) to a compressed natural gas container.
A gas installation means any pipe or system of pipes (and associated fittings and equipment) used to convey or control gas, which are downstream from the gas supply point. It includes any flue that is downstream from a gas supply point. It does not include anything beyond the gas installation end point. It also does not include an autogas installation.
A gas appliance means any gas burning or gas using appliance that is manufactured, adapted or designed for connection to a gas installation, via a gas outlet socket or otherwise. It includes any liquefied petroleum gas dispenser, catalytic burner or vaporiser. It does not include an internal combustion engine that is installed in or is part of a vehicle, vessel or machine.
LP gasfitting is gasfitting work as defined above but restricted to a gas installation designed to carry liquefied petroleum gas in vapour phase only at pressures not exceeding 150 kilopascals.
Liquefied petroleum gas means a liquid or gaseous substance that is a mixture of hydrocarbons, basically consisting of butane or butene or propane or propene, or any mixture of them.
Advanced LP gasfitting work is gasfitting work as defined above but restricted to liquefied petroleum gas without any restriction as to pressure and whether or not the gas will be conveyed in liquid or vapour phase.
It includes work on pipes, fittings, or appliances attached to or forming part of a liquefied petroleum gas transport container.
Qualifications and experience needed
Individuals applying for a contractor licence, supervisor or tradesperson certificate must satisfy the qualification and experience requirements for the relevant category of work.
Find out below what the qualifications and experience you need to get a licence or certificate are for:
To find organisations that deliver nationally recognised training, go to and search via the course code or name.
If you are currently an apprentice or trainee, you cannot apply for a licence or certificate. You must apply as soon as you finish your apprenticeship or traineeship to be able to keep doing plumbing, draining and gasfitting work.
If you hold a licence from interstate or New Zealand, and want to work in NSW, see Working interstate and mutual recognition.
You can also see details for plumbing, draining and gasfitting licences on the Automatic Mutual Recognition (AMR) occupations list.
If you trained overseas, see Overseas trained applicants.
Assessing experience
Where we say 'experience' is required, this means experience you have gained as an employee who has been paid in line with an award or enterprise agreement.
You can get the experience during or after completing an apprenticeship.
You must get referees to verify your experience using the Referee's Statement Form.
Previous licence or supervisor certificate holders
You do not need to show your qualifications if you have:
- ever held an endorsed contractor licence, qualified supervisor certificate or tradesperson certificate in plumbing, draining and gasfitting that was not subject to restrictions or conditions. In this case:
- if you apply for a new endorsed contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate, we will accept your previous licence or certificate in place of the current qualification requirements.
- held an endorsed contractor licence, qualified supervisor certificate or tradesperson certificate in the last 5 years in plumbing, draining or gasfitting that was subject to restrictions or conditions. In this case:
- we will assess your application and reissue you a licence or certificate that reflects the scope of work that your licence or certificate covered. This may include some conditions or restrictions.
If your application is approved, you will be issued the same licence or qualified supervisor number you had before.
For a contractor licence or qualified supervisor certificate
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency set out below, and this experience was obtained after completing your Certificate III in Plumbing.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete ONE of the following if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- A Traineeship which includes Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
Complete ONE of the following, before1 November 2024:
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- A Traineeship which includes Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- A Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream, sanitary stream, drainage stream and gas services stream, and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream, sanitary stream, drainage stream and gas services stream, and the relevant units of competency listed below
The relevant units for Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 / CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 if completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems; and
- Either CPCCBC4012/ CPCCBC4012A or B/ BCGBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- Either CPCPDR4011/ CPCPDR4011A or B Design and size sanitary drainage systems or CPCPDR4001A/ BCPDR4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary drainage systems; and
- Either CPCPDR4012/ CPCPDR4012A or B Design and size stormwater drainage systems or CPCPDR4002A/ BCPDR4002A Plan, size and layout stormwater drainage systems; and
- Either CPCPDR4013/ CPCPDR4013A or B Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems or CPCPDR4003A/ BCPDR4003A Plan, size and layout domestic treatment plant disposal systems; and
- Either CPCPSN4011/ CPCPSN4011A or B Design and size sanitary plumbing systems or CPCPSN4001A/ BCPSN4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary pipework and fixtures; and
- Either CPCPGS4011/ CPCPGS4011A or B or C Design and size consumer gas installations or CPCPGS4001A/ BCPGS4001A Plan, size and layout consumer gas installations.
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency in the sanitary, drainage and gasfitting streams to be able to apply for a licence or certificate in the plumbing, draining, gasfitting, LP gasfitting or advanced LP gasfitting categories of work.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency set out below, and this experience was obtained after completing your Certificate III in Plumbing.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete ONE of the following if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- A Traineeship which includes Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- A Traineeship which includes Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream and sanitary stream, and the units of competency listed below; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream and sanitary stream, and the units of competency listed below
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 / CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 if completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems; and
- Either CPCCBC4012/ CPCCBC4012A or B/ BCGBC4012A Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- Either CPCPDR4011/ CPCPDR4011A or B Design and size sanitary drainage systems or CPCPDR4001A/ BCPDR4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary drainage systems; and
- Either CPCPDR4012/ CPCPDR4012A or B Design and size stormwater drainage systems or CPCPDR4002A/ BCPDR4002A Plan, size and layout stormwater drainage systems; and
- Either CPCPDR4013/ CPCPDR4013A or B Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems or CPCPDR4003A/ BCPDR4003A Plan, size and layout domestic treatment plant disposal systems; and
- Either CPCPSN4011/ CPCPSN4011A or B Design and size sanitary plumbing systems or CPCPSN4001A/ BCPSN4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary pipework and fixtures.
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency to satisfy the requirements for the water stream and sanitary stream to be able to apply for a licence or certificate.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency set out below, and this experience was obtained after completing your Certificate III in Plumbing.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete one of the following:
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- A Traineeship which includes Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920;
Complete one of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920, or
- A Traineeship which includes Certificate IV in Plumbing and Services (Operations) CPC40920; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411 / CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 / CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 if completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems; and
- CPCCBC4012/ CPCCBC4012A or B/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency to satisfy the requirements for the water stream to be able to apply for a licence or certificate.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
You must complete ONE of the following:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420, and the relevant units of competency set out below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- Either CPCPWT3020/ CPCPWT3020A/ CPCPWT3010A Connect and install storage tanks to a domestic water supply, or CPCPFS2021/ CPCPFS2021A Connect static storage systems for fixed fire protection systems, or CPCPFS2001A/ BCPFS2001A Connect static storage tanks; and
- CPCPFS2022/ CPCPFS2022A/ CPCPFS2012A/ CPCPFS2002A/ BCPFS2002A Install portable fire equipment; and CPCPFS3044/ CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and
- CPCPFS3045/ CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
- CPCPFS3034/ CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
- Either CPCPFS3046/ CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure, or
- CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/ BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure; and
- CPCPFS3038/ CPCPFS3038A/ CPCPFS3018A/ CPCPFS3008A/ BCPFS3008A Test and maintain fire hydrant and hose reel installations; and
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems, or
- CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems;
OR, Complete ONE of the following if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820 and the relevant units of competency set out below;.
The relevant units for Certificate III Fire Protection CPC32820 if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control process; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems, or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems;
OR, Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420, and the relevant units of competency set out below;
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 if the qualification is completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- Either CPCPWT3020/ CPCPWT3020A/ CPCPWT3010A Connect and install storage tanks to a domestic water supply, or CPCPFS2021/ CPCPFS2021A Connect static storage systems for fixed fire protection systems, or CPCPFS2001A/ BCPFS2001A Connect static storage tanks; and
- CPCPFS2022/ CPCPFS2022A/ CPCPFS2012A/ CPCPFS2002A/ BCPFS2002A Install portable fire equipment; and
CPCPFS3044/ CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and - CPCPFS3045/ CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
- CPCPFS3034/ CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
- Either CPCPFS3046/ CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure, or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/ BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure; and
- CPCPFS3038/ CPCPFS3038A/ CPCPFS3018A/ CPCPFS3008A/ BCPFS3008A Test and maintain fire hydrant and hose reel installations; and
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems, or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems; and
- CPCCBC4012/ CPCCBC4012A/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications;
OR, Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or.
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for Certificate III Fire Protection CPC32820/ CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503 if the qualification is completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- Either CPCPWT4011/ CPCPWT4011A or B Design and size heated and cold water services and systems, or CPCPWT4001A/ BCPWT4001A Plan, size and layout hot and cold water services and systems; and
- CPCCBC4012/ CPCCBC4012A/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications.
You must complete ONE of the following if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- CPCPFS3044/ CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and
- CPCPFS3045/ CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
- CPCPFS3034/ CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
- Either CPCPFS3046/ CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure.
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820, and the relevant units of competency set out below;
The relevant units for Certificate III Fire Protection CPC32820 if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control process; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry;
OR, Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
- An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency set out below; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 if the qualification is completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- CPCPFS3044/ CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install
distribution and range pipes; and - CPCPFS3045/ CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
- CPCPFS3034/ CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3024A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
- Either CPCPFS3046/ CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure;.
- CPCPFS3044/ CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install
OR, Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820; or
- An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820; or
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503; or
- An apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency specified within your qualification.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete ONE of the following if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420, and all of the following units of competency:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- CPCPIG2021/ CPCPIG2021A/ CPCPIG2011A/ CPCPIG2001A/ BCPIG2001A Design domestic urban irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3021/ CPCPIG3021A/ CPCPIG3011A/ CPCPIG3001A/ BCPIG3001A Set out, install and commission irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3022/ CPCPIG3022A/ CPCPIG3012A/ CPCPIG3002A/ BCPIG3002A Install and commission domestic irrigation pumps;
- Certificate III in Irrigation Technology AHC32419/ AHC32422, and the following units of competency:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- Either CPCPWT3027 Install backflow prevention devices, or CPCPWT3027A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
- AHCIRG338 Troubleshoot irrigation systems.
OR, Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the following units of competency:
- CPCPIG2021/ CPCPIG2021A/ CPCPIG2011A/ CPCPIG2001A/ BCPIG2001A Design domestic urban irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3021/ CPCPIG3021A/ CPCPIG3011A/ CPCPIG3001A/ BCPIG3001A Set out, install and commission irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3022/ CPCPIG3022A/ CPCPIG3012A/ CPCPIG3002A/ BCPIG3002A Install and commission domestic irrigation pumps; and
- Either CPCPWT3027 Install backflow prevention devices, or CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; or
- Certificate II in Urban Irrigation CPC20912/ CPC20911/ CPC20908/ BCP20303;
- Certificate III in Irrigation RTE31303 and the following units of competency:
- Either CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply or BCS3050A Connect irrigation system from drinkable water (potable); and
- RTE3601A Install irrigation systems; and
- RTE3605A troubleshoot irrigation systems;
- Certificate III in Irrigation AHC32410 and the following units of competency:
- CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
- AHCIRG302A Install irrigation systems; and
- AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems;
- Certificate III in Irrigation AHC32416/ AHC32412 and the following units of competency:
- CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ CPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
- AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems; or
- Certificate III in Irrigation Technology AHC32419/ AHC32422, and the following units of competency:
- CPCPWT3027 Install backflow prevention devices, or CPCPWT3027A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
- AHCIRG338 Troubleshoot irrigation systems.
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency set out below, and this experience was obtained after completing your Certificate III in Plumbing.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete ONE of the following, if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
Certificate II in Drainage CPC20720 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for or Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 or Certificate II in Drainage CPC20720 if completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- Either CPCPDR4011/ CPCPDR4011A or B Design and size sanitary drainage systems or CPCPDR4001A/ BCPDR4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary drainage systems; and
- Either CPCPDR4012/ CPCPDR4012A or B Design and size stormwater drainage systems or PCPDR4002A/ BCPDR4002A Plan, size and layout stormwater drainage systems; and
- Either CPCPDR4013/ CPCPDR4013A or B Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems or CPCPDR4003A/ BCPDR4003A Plan, size and layout domestic treatment plant disposal systems.
OR, Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the drainage stream and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the drainage stream and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate II in Drainage CPC20720 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
Certificate II in Drainage CPC20712/ CPC20711/ CPC20708/ BCP20103 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for or Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 or Certificate II in Drainage CPC20720/ CPC20712/ CPC20711/ CPC20708/ BCP20103 if completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- CPCCBC4012/ CPCCBC4012A/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications, and
- either CPCPDR4011/ CPCPDR4011A or B Design and size sanitary drainage systems or CPCPDR4001A/ BCPDR4001A Plan, size and layout sanitary drainage systems, and
- either CPCPDR4012/ CPCPDR4012A or B Design and size stormwater drainage systems or CPCPDR4002A/ BCPDR4002A Plan, size and layout stormwater drainage systems, and
- either CPCPDR4013/ CPCPDR4013A or B Design and size domestic treatment plant disposal systems or CPCPDR4003A/ BCPDR4003A Plan, size and layout domestic treatment plant disposal systems.
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency set out below, and this experience was obtained after completing your Certificate III in Plumbing.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete ONE of the following, if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 or Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720 if completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- Either CPCPGS4011/ CPCPGS4011A or B or C Design and size consumer gas installations or CPCPGS4001A/ BCPGS4001A Plan, size and layout consumer gas installations.
Complete ONE of the following, before 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the gas services stream and the units of competency listed below; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the gas services stream and the units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
- Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403 and the units of competency listed below; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403 and the units of competency listed below
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 or Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720/ CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403 if completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- Either CPCCBC4012 / CPCCBC4012A/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- Either CPCPGS4011/ CPCPGS4011A or B or C Design and size consumer gas installations or CPCPGS4001A/ BCPGS4001A Plan, size and layout consumer gas installations.
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency to satisfy the requirements for the gas services stream to be able to apply for a licence or certificate.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
Experience requirements
You must:
- Complete an apprenticeship or traineeship and at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency.
If you have completed an apprenticeship or traineeship, it is recommended that you provide evidence of completion of the apprenticeship or traineeship with your application.
- Have at least two years’ combined industry experience in the work covered by the relevant units of competency set out below, and this experience was obtained after completing your Certificate III in Plumbing.
We may require evidence of your employment to confirm any employment periods and to verify that you are able to do or supervise the category of work you apply for.
You must complete ONE of the following, if the qualification is completed from 1 November 2024:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; OR
Certificate III in Gas fitting CPC32720 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 or Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720 if completed from 1 November 2024 are:
- BSBESB402 Establish legal and risk management requirements of new business ventures; and
- CPCCBC4012 Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPCM4011 Carry out work-based risk control processes; and
- CPCPCM4012 Estimate and cost work; and
- CPCPCM4015 Access and interpret regulatory requirements for the plumbing and services industry; and
- CPCPGS3060/ CPCPGS3060A/ CPCPGS3035A/ CPCPGS3005A/ BCPGS3005A Install LP gas storage of aggregate capacity exceeding 500 litres and less than 8KL; and
- CPCPGS3050/ CPCPGS3050A/ CPCPGS3020A/ CPCPGS3010A/ BCPGS3010A Install Type B appliance flues; and
- Either CPCPGS4011/ CPCPGS4011A or B or C Design and size consumer gas installations or CPCPGS4001A/ BCPGS4001A Plan, size and layout consumer gas installations.
OR, Complete one of the following before 1 November 2024
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for in the gas services stream and the relevant units of competency listed below; or
- Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403 and the units of competency listed below;
The relevant units for Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 or Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720/ CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403 if completed before 1 November 2024 are:
- CPCCBC4012 / CPCCBC4012A/ BCGBC4012A or B Read and interpret plans and specifications; and
- CPCPGS3060/ CPCPGS3060A/ CPCPGS3035A/ CPCPGS3005A/ BCPGS3005A Install LP gas storage of aggregate capacity exceeding 500 litres and less than 8KL; and
- CPCPGS3050/ CPCPGS3050A/ CPCPGS3020A/ CPCPGS3010A/ BCPGS3010A Install Type B appliance flues; and
- Either CPCPGS4011/ CPCPGS4011A or B or C Design and size consumer gas installations or CPCPGS4001A/ BCPGS4001A Plan, size and layout consumer gas installations;
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency to satisfy the requirements for the gas services stream to be able to apply for a licence or certificate.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
For a tradesperson certificate
You must complete ONE of:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420: or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream, sanitary stream, draining stream and gas services stream; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream, sanitary stream, draining stream and gas services stream.
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency to satisfy the requirements for the water stream, sanitary stream, drainage stream and gas services stream to be able to apply for a licence or certificate.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
You must complete one of:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420, OR
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; OR
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the water stream and sanitary stream;
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules in the water stream and sanitary stream.
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency to satisfy the requirements for the water stream and sanitary stream to be able to apply for a licence or certificate.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
You must complete ONE of:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes the Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes the Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the water stream.
You must complete ONE of:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the relevant units of competency listed below;
- Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820/ CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503; or
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Fire Protection CPC32820/ CPC32813/ CPC32812/ CPC32811/ CPC32808/ BCP30503; or
The relevant units for Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420 / CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 are:
- Either CPCPWT3020/ CPCPWT3020A/ CPCPWT3010A Connect and install storage tanks to a domestic water supply or CPCPFS2021/ CPCPFS2021A/ CPCPFS2011A Connect static storage systems for fixed fire protection systems or CPCPFS2001A/ BCPFS2001A Connect static storage tanks; and
- CPCPFS2022/ CPCPFS2022A/ CPCPFS2012A/ CPCPFS2002A/ BCPFS2002A Install portable fire equipment; and
- CPCPFS3044/ CPCPFS3044A/ CPCPFS3012A/ CPCPFS3002A/ BCPFS3002A Install distribution and range pipes; and
- CPCPFS3045/ CPCPFS3045A/ CPCPFS3013A/ CPCPFS3003A/ BCPFS3003A Fit off sprinkler heads, controls and ancillary equipment; and
- CPCPFS3034/ CPCPFS3034A/ CPCPFS3014A/ CPCPFS3004A/ BCPFS3004A Install control valve assemblies, actuating devices and local alarms; and
- Either CPCPFS3046/ CPCPFS3046A Test the integrity of water-based fire protection systems using pressure or CPCPFS3015A/ CPCPFS3005A/ BCPFS3005A Test fire protection systems for pressure; and
- CPCPFS3038/ CPCPFS3038A/ CPCPFS3018A/ CPCPFS3008A/ BCPFS3008A Test and maintain fire hydrant and hose reel installations .
You must complete ONE of the following:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the units of competency listed below:
- CPCPIG2021/ CPCPIG2021A/ CPCPIG2011A/ CPCPIG2001A/ BCPIG2001A Design domestic urban irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3021/ CPCPIG3021A/ CPCPIG3011A/ CPCPIG3001A/ BCPIG3001A Set out, install and commission irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3022/ CPCPIG3022A/ CPCPIG3012A/ CPCPIG3002A/ BCPIG3002A Install and commission domestic irrigation pumps;
An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III Plumbing CPC32420/ CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 and the units of competency listed below:
- CPCPIG2021/ CPCPIG2021A/ CPCPIG2011A/ CPCPIG2001A/ BCPIG2001A Design domestic urban irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3021/ CPCPIG3021A/ CPCPIG3011A/ CPCPIG3001A/ BCPIG3001A Set out, install and commission irrigation systems; and
- CPCPIG3022/ CPCPIG3022A/ CPCPIG3012A/ CPCPIG3002A/ BCPIG3002A Install and commission domestic irrigation pumps;
Certificate III in Irrigation Technology AHC32419/ AHC32422 and the units of competency listed below:
- CPCPWT3027 - Install backflow prevention devices; and
- AHCIRG338/ AHCIRG306 Troubleshoot irrigation systems.
- Certificate III in Irrigation AHC32416/ AHC32412 and the units of competency listed below:
- CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ CPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
- AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems.
Certificate III in Irrigation AHC32410 and the units of competency listed below:
- CPCPWT3027A/ CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply; and
- AHCIRG302A Install irrigation systems; and
- AHCIRG306A Troubleshoot irrigation systems
Certificate III in Irrigation RTE31303 and units of competency listed below:
- Either CPCPWT3017A/ CPCPWT3007A/ BCPWT3007A Connect irrigation systems from drinking water supply or BCS3050A Connect irrigation system from drinkable water (potable); and
- RTE3601A Install irrigation systems; and
- RTE3605A Troubleshoot irrigation systems
- Certificate II in Urban Irrigation CPC20912/ CPC20911/ CPC20908/ BCP20303
You must complete one of the following:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420 or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for the drainage stream; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 - including all modules required for the drainage stream; or
- Certificate II in Drainage CPC20720/ CPC20712/ CPC20711/ CPC20708/ BCP20102.
You must complete one of:
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32420; or
- Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for completion of the gas services stream; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Plumbing CPC32413/ CPC32412/ CPC32411/ CPC32408/ BCP30103 including all modules required for completion of the gas services stream; or
- Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32720; or
- Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403; or
- An Apprenticeship which includes Certificate III in Gasfitting CPC32713/ CPC32712/ CPC32711/ CPC32708/ BCP30403.
More about the units of competency you must do in your Certificate III in Plumbing
If you hold a Certificate III in Plumbing BCP30103/ CPC32408/ CPC32411/ CPC32412/ CPC32413, you must have completed certain units of competency in the sanitary, drainage and gasfitting streams to be able to apply for a licence or certificate in the plumbing, draining, gasfitting, LP gasfitting or advanced LP gasfitting categories of work.
Some of the units are compulsory and some are electives.
View or download the list of units you must do:
Superseded qualifications
If you started or finished a superseded qualification before 13 May 2009 and you apply for a new licence or certificate, we will accept the superseded qualification in place of the current qualification requirements.
You must have finished the superseded qualification in full.
We will not accept applications that have a mix of both superseded and current qualifications.
If you can't give us a certificate or final academic transcript (including course numbers) to prove you finished a superseded qualification, you will need to meet the current qualification requirements.
Contact a Registered Training Organisation or TAFE NSW to find the relevant qualifications, including recognition of any prior learning
If you are applying for a licence or certificate using superseded qualifications, you must get referees to verify your experience using this Referee’s Statement form.
View the list of superseded plumbing, draining and gasfitting qualifications.
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Get in touch with Building Commission NSW
Need help with an application or want to know more about training and accreditation? Get in touch with Building Commission NSW.