Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines

The Funding Acknowledgement Guidelines are for recipients of NSW Government infrastructure grants.

All recipients of NSW Government funding for infrastructure and capital works must acknowledge the NSW Government.

Funding made available by the NSW Government is designed to improve the lives of people across the state and grants can provide significant benefits to communities.

These guidelines are designed to:

  • help groups and organisations with acknowledging NSW Government support in a way which is consistent across the state
  • simplify government advertising and signage
  • help you determine what kind of acknowledgement is appropriate for each project
  • outline where signs should be displayed and for how long, and how to obtain NSW Government approval for acknowledgements.

These guidelines do not override the signage and public recognition requirements set out in the agreement, funding conditions and/or notes on administration governing individual projects and programs.

Please note that acknowledgement of NSW Government funding is a condition of the funding.

NSW Government brand

For more information on the use of the NSW Government brand, please refer to the NSW Government Brand Framework.

Appendix – guidelines and templates

Signage requirements

Signage guidelines



If you have any questions about the guidelines contact the NSW Government Brand Team at the Department of Customer Service.

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