About this location
- Where
36 Daleys Lane, Geneva NSW 2474
- Accessibility
- Does not cater for people with access needs
- Facilities
- Car park
- Electric Vehicle Charging Point
- Enquiry Desk
- Family Friendly
- Gallery / Museum
- Interactive Centre
- Lawn / Gardens
- Pet Friendly - Enquire
- Public Toilet
- Shop / Gift Shop
Contact details
(02) 6632 1441
NSW largest range of Fruit and Rainforest Trees. Established in 1980 people have been traveling to Daleys Nursery in Kyogle the gateway to the rainforest to learn about and source edible plants.
A Biodome of fruit trees can be walked through to immerse yourself in a living edible fruit scape. It shows fruiting plants that people can identify and experience. During the year workshops can be joined to learn and gain understand of plants and their growing techniques to develop passion, involvement and know how in propagation and establishing plants.
Craft Corner has some amazing gardening art and paintings contributed by the staff at Daleys Nursery. Some art like the boxing Kangaroo is made from recycled farm equipment along with an Emu. We also have paintings and exhibits in arts corner.
Many people may not know about the tiny town Kyogle but they do know about Daleys Nursery and travellers from QLD and as far south as Sydney and the central coast often visit as a green exciting destination.