Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491)

A points-tested provisional visa for skilled workers to live and work in regional NSW.

Skilled migrant

About NSW Nomination 

NSW nomination for this visa allows skilled migrants to live, work and study in designated regional areas of NSW for a period of 5 years.

There are three pathways to NSW nomination for this visa: 

  • Pathway 1 – Apply if you’re currently employed with a regional NSW employer [Currently Closed]
  • Pathway 2 – Be invited to apply by Investment NSW
  • Pathway 3 – Apply if you recently graduated from a Regional NSW institution

NSW nomination for this visa under 'Pathway 2' is exceptionally competitive. We strongly encourage anyone considering NSW nomination under 'Pathway 2' to consider all other migration pathways on the Home Affairs website and not wait to be invited to apply for NSW nomination. 

See our Common questions about skilled visas page for answers to a full list of our most commonly received questions. 

Eligibility Criteria 

To be eligible for NSW nomination under all pathways, you must meet the basic eligibility criteria for this visa as required by Home Affairs. 

Key Steps for Securing NSW Nomination 

The NSW nomination process involves several crucial steps that are different for each nomination pathway: 

Understanding Invitation Rounds and the NSW Regional Skills List 

Invitation rounds are an integral feature of the NSW nomination process under 'Pathway 2'. Here are the essential points: 

Invitation Rounds 

  • Timing: Invitation rounds occur throughout the financial year. There are no predetermined or publicly announced dates for invitation rounds. 
  • Selection: NSW considers multiple factors when selecting EOIs including age, English language proficiency, education, points score, and total years of skilled work experience. The highest ranking EOIs within an ANZSCO unit group are invited to apply.
  • Discretion: Being invited to apply for NSW nomination is at the sole discretion of the NSW Government.
  • Submission Date: The date you submit or amend your SkillSelect EOI does not affect your likelihood of being invited.

NSW Regional Skills List

The NSW Regional Skills List identifies occupations that are in shortage across the Regional NSW at the ANZSCO unit group level. These occupations align with NSW's target sectors and key government priorities, helping address workforce needs in critical industries.

To be eligible for NSW nomination, you must have a valid skills assessment in an occupation that both falls within an ANZSCO unit group identified on the NSW Skills List and is also eligible for this visa.  

Read our 'Common questions about skilled visas' page for more information about invitation rounds and NSW target sectors. 

Exploring Alternative Migration Pathways

The Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) is just one visa option available for skilled workers to migrate to New South Wales.

Further Opportunities

The Home Affairs website provides a comprehensive list of visa options, which include visas for those with specific job offers or sponsorships.

Professional Guidance

Navigating the various visa options can be complex. For specialised guidance, consider consulting our 'Using a migration agent or legal practitioner' page.

We strongly encourage you to explore all pathways and seek professional advice to maximise your chances of successful migration.

Nominations Are Subject to the Discretion of Investment NSW

Investment NSW reserves the right to refuse an application for nomination if the application does not meet the published criteria, if the nomination is not in the best interests of NSW, or if our allocation is fully committed.   

Note: Due to limited allocation, places for Pathways 1 and 3 are restricted. Investment NSW may close these pathways once all available places are filled.

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