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Flood resilient building design refers to modifications to your home that reduce the impacts of flooding. Homeowners can raise the floor level of their home to reduce how often it will be damaged by floods or modify areas of the home using techniques and materials to improve their resilience to future floods. Repairing your home after a flood can be a costly exercise. By using a resilient approach, some of these costs may be reduced in the future.
You can learn more about flood resilient design principles, options and funding available in the RA’s Flood Resilient Design Guide (PDF 6.89MB).
Participation in the Resilient Homes Program is voluntary. However, if you decide not to participate in the Program at this time, we cannot guarantee another offer in the future.
It’s important to note that homes prioritised for Resilient Measures do not meet the same risk level as a home prioritised for a Home Buyback. If you disagree with RA’s decision , you can request an internal review or lodge an appeal. Find out more information.
Yes. You will be required to enter into a contract with a licensed building professional to coordinate and complete the building works. This means you will be involved with decisions about your own home and navigate the process at your own pace. The contracted building professional is responsible for the works and their quality. RA will not be involved in the coordination or performance of the works other than in exceptional circumstances. RA will require evidence of works progress before making payments.
If you need assistance, you can call 1800 844 085 for help with questions about next steps or other enquiries.
For more complex queries, an appointment can be made with a member of the Concierge Service team by calling 1800 844 085 or email
Our Concierge Service is available to help eligible homeowners navigate both the building and grant process. This includes assistance to understand your Home Assessment Report, identify appropriately qualified building professionals, discuss the building and approval processes, and to apply for funding.
You can make an appointment with the Concierge Service by phoning 1800 844 085 or email
Home raising, rebuild and relocation works will require a Development Approval and Construction Certificate.
Home retrofit works will usually meet the criteria for exempt development, which means they do not require planning or construction approval from a council or private certifier. Examples of exempt development criteria include:
For detailed information on exempt development criteria, visit the NSW Department of Planning website or contact your local council. Talk to your building professional and local council to learn more about relevant building approvals.
RA will not recommend or need to approve builders. Homeowners in the Northern Rivers can search for builders and trades on the Live Northern Rivers site.
Before making payments, RA will conduct assurance checks including that the selected contractor holds appropriate licences and insurances. Homeowners should also undertake licence checks before engaging a contractor by visiting the Service NSW website.
Homeowners must engage appropriately qualified building professionals (for example, designers, architects, builders, engineers) to provide quotes and advice in relation to the suitability and costs of flood resilience works at your home. Homeowners can carry out licence and registration checks by visiting the Service NSW website.
Building professionals can learn more about flood resilience design and materials by referencing JDA Co.’s Flood Resilience Technical Design Guide (PDF 8.65MB).
RA, the Building Commission NSW, SafeWork NSW and the local building industry will provide support and assurance to homeowners that works completed at their home through the program will be compliant with the National Construction Code, safe work regulations and meet the requirements of the grant funding available.
The Resilient Measures Fact sheet provides more information about each stage of the process. Once you accept a grant offer you will sign a works contract with your selected licensed building professional. We will also explain requirements for payments to be made. Payments will be made directly to the contracted building professional after authorisation by the homeowner and RA.
Homeowners receiving financial assistance for a Resilient Measure will have 12 months from the date of the Letter of Offer to complete works, unless otherwise agreed with RA.
No. Insurance payouts will not impact the grant value.
The maximum amount payable from the Program to a single property owner for Home Raising, Rebuild or Relocation is $200,000 including GST ($100,000 maximum grant value and up to $100,000 in co-contributions). The maximum amount payable from the Program to a single property owner for Home Retrofit is $100,000 including GST ($50,000 maximum grant value and up to $50,000 in co-contributions).
Where the cost estimate is greater than the available grant value, and you cannot afford to provide a co-contribution, RA will work with you to agree on a reduced scope where possible. Homeowners also need to consider the possibility of potential variations to the contract price, and contingencies required to cover associated costs.
Homeowners can also increase their contribution amount when the cost estimate is greater than the maximum grant available. For example, if the cost estimate for relocating your home is $350,000 then RA could contribute a maximum of $200,000 including GST and the homeowner could contribute $150,000.
RA’s Flood Resilient Design Guide outlines works that are eligible for funding - please see page 40 for information on eligible works and page 42 for ineligible works:
Please note, preliminary and preparation works refer to local planning and development approvals, site survey, soil tests and hydraulic reports, post raising floor level and height certificates and professional services (associated engineering drawings, architectural/drafting plans and certification fees).
If you are dissatisfied with the grant determination, you can consider requesting an internal review or submitting an appeal. You can find out more information about the Appeal Process Policy.
Any other works, not eligible for grant funding, will need to be completed as part of a separate building contract. Works can be carried out concurrently, if appropriate. For Home Raising, Rebuild or Relocation activities, an Occupation Certificate is required to evidence completion of the grant funded works before a final milestone payment will be made by RA. In the case of concurrent works, RA would accept a Partial Occupation Certificate that includes all the scope of the approved grant funded works.
Reimbursements will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Evidence of the work conducted will need to be supplied for the grant to be considered. All building works must be conducted by appropriately licensed building professionals.
Contact RA to discuss your unique circumstances and to learn more about the documents you will need to provide with your grant application.
All home raising works should seek to achieve flood resilience to the Flood Planning Level or to the highest practical level. This is the level your building industry professional determines (at the time of scoping and quoting) as the most appropriate based on circumstances including flood levels, functionality, your preference and compliance with National Construction Code and all other planning and building regulations.
RA will not be providing alternate accommodation for the period of the work. Homeowners will need to arrange for their own alternate accommodation if required.
For Home Retrofits, you may not be required to find alternate accommodation. Homeowners can discuss details including timeframes with your contracted building professional. Tenants will need to discuss alternate accommodation with their landlord or real estate agent.
Should homeowners require additional support with finding alternate accommodation, Recovery Support Services are still available in the Northern Rivers to help support your recovery. Recovery Support Services can link you with a recovery support worker who can help you navigate and access services and disaster assistance packages.
For more information on Recovery Support Services visit the support services webpage or call 1800 844 085. In extenuating circumstances, an application can be made for the At-home caravans program. Your recovery support worker can assist you with making an application once all other options have been explored.
Homeowners who would like to relocate their home outside the region will be required to pay for all costs associated with the move. A grant for relocating outside the region will not be provided.
Yes. Multi-dwelling buildings like townhouses and units will be considered, but moveable or relocatable dwellings are not eligible.
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