The Welcome Experience - Get Started

The Welcome Experience is a free service supporting eligible essential workers and their families to make the move the regional NSW.

To register your interest please complete the form below. Your information will be shared with the Local Connector in your region/s of interest, they will contact you directly.

Required field
What is your timeframe for moving?
100 character(s) remaining
Privacy Collection Notice

Your personal information will only be used for the purpose you are providing it in this form. Please read the privacy collection notice for more information about how we handle your information.

Privacy Collection Notice


The NSW Government's privacy practices are regulated by the New South Wales Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, and by the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (the Acts). 

  • This Information and Privacy Statement applies when you register your interest for a Key Worker Attraction Program (KWAP) initiative via the form on this website.

What information is collected through the form on this website?

When you submit the form on this website, we will collect personal information which may include, but is not limited to, your name, contact details, employment information, location and other information related to specific essential worker attraction initiatives.

How do we use the information collected?

The information collected via the form on this website is collated by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development and may be shared with third party organisations involved in the Welcome Experience and Key Worker Attraction Program to:

  • Provide you information about the Welcome Experience, partner employment support or other relevant opportunities as part of the Key Worker Attraction Program.

Who has access to the information we collect?

When you provide personal information as part of your submission to the form on this website, the information may be provided to and/or accessible by:

  • the relevant Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development staff who are involved in the Key Worker Attraction Program;
  • other Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development staff
  • other third parties who perform services on behalf of the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development including the Local Connector host organisations.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development head office is located at 105 Prince St, Orange NSW 2800. The department has around 200 offices located across NSW.

Can you refuse to provide personal information through the form on this website?

Completion of this form is voluntary and not required by law.

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development will collect your personal information (full name, personal phone number, personal email address, employing agency, location of job, role and relocation date) for the purpose of the Key Worker Attraction Program including enrolment in the Welcome Experience and other Key Worker Attraction initiatives.

Your information may be shared with third parties involved in the Welcome Experience and other Key Worker Attraction Program initiatives.

Is the information stored securely?

All NSW Government Agencies are required to comply with provisions under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the State Records Act 1998.

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development will store and protect your personal information until the enquiry or purpose of contact has concluded. Subject to any other legal requirements regarding information retention, your information will be retained for 10 days. You may opt-in to be placed on mailing lists, newsletters or other recurring communications forums. If you do, your information will be used for this purpose and stored until you chose to opt-out.  

If you want to gain access to or amend your personal information, or want more details about privacy, please contact us:

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