Using shared services for records and information management
Many NSW Government organisations use shared service arrangements to promote more effective and efficient service delivery. Learn more about using shared services in relation to records and information management.
This information focuses on records and information management aspects of shared services.
About shared service arrangements
Many organisations use shared service arrangements for common administrative or support tasks.
The aims of shared service arrangements include:
- the consolidation of corporate services
- better use of available technology
- business process re-engineering for greater efficiency.
To achieve these aims, shared service arrangements generally involve a degree of standardisation to allow groups of organisations to use common technical platforms, systems and processes.
Shared records management services
In records management, common models for shared services are:
- sharing records management services amongst a group of public offices, such as geographically co-located or functionally similar organisations, or with a 'parent' organisation, or
- using a third party provider of services.
This guidance can be used as a reference for:
- the negotiation of contractual arrangements between service providers and public offices
- clarifying the boundaries of public office / service provider responsibilities
- explaining the nature of shared records management services to senior managers to assist in decision making.
This guidance is not designed as advice on managing the recordkeeping issues associated with outsourcing core business activities: See Accountable Outsourcing: Managing the Records and Information Management Considerations of Outsourcing NSW Government Business
For advice about the use of cloud services see Using Cloud Computing Services – Implications for Information and Records Management.
Points to consider when using a shared service provider
Outsourcing any function of your organisation, including one seen as 'support' or 'administrative', such as records management, does not diminish your organisation's responsibility to ensure that it is carried out properly and that all legal and business obligations are met.
The primary means by which you can ensure that a shared service provider is giving you the best possible service and is helping you to meet your obligations is by building requirements into the contract or service level agreement you make with them. As with any contract or agreement, it should be clear the types and level of services being provided and dispute resolution mechanisms should be included.
The chief executive is responsible for ensuring that a public office complies with the State Records Act 1998. A failure by your public office to meet its records management obligations even where most of these activities are 'outsourced' to a shared service provider signals a failure by its chief executive to comply with the State Records Act (s.10). Perhaps more significantly, records not being properly managed can result in loss of productivity, financial loss and public embarrassment for your organisation.
Records and information management policy and strategy remain a core responsibility of the public office. Defining the policy and strategies for records and information will assist the public office to identify the types of services and the service parameters required from operational records management providers.
Executives and business managers have a role to play in ensuring that records management service offerings which are used by the business or parts of the business are aligned with the overall strategy for records and information.
Even when you have outsourced records management or storage, the records created and captured in the conduct of your business that may be managed or stored by a service provider remain the responsibility of your organisation. If your organisation terminates its arrangement with a service provider, your records and control information needed to use them must remain with you.
You have a responsibility to monitor your shared service provider and employ other checks to ensure that contractual arrangements are being met. Regular communication with and reporting from your service provider is recommended. This may take the form, for example, of periodic meetings or a monthly report.
Adequate monitoring of contracted-out records management services can be more challenging for agencies without qualified records managers. In cases like these, make sure the deliverables and performance measures from the contract are expressed in simple terms to allow non-records professionals to monitor the services effectively.
Tips for shared records management services users
- Know the exact nature and extent of the records management services being provided.
- Know the existing relationship, context and expectations already established (if any) between your corporate services manager and the shared services provider.
- Build service levels and standards for service delivery into arrangements.
- Build performance measures into monitoring arrangements with providers.
- When you want to address any service or standards gaps, partner with your shared service provider and discuss with them what initiatives your agency is planning to address the gaps. That way, the service provider will be able to support you with advice and will be better placed to help you to implement your initiatives.
Tips for small public offices using shared records management services
Instead of using third party providers, small public offices may enter into arrangements with larger, 'parent' agencies for the provision of certain records management services. Under these circumstances, it is important that arrangements address:
- how the records of the small organisation are to be identified and managed as a separate class of records from those of the larger organisation (for example, if the same records management software system is to be used, will there be separate databases?)
- how security and access restrictions on the smaller organisation's records will be complied with
- monitoring and reporting arrangements so the smaller organisation can be confident the State Records Act's requirements are being met in respect of any of their records that are being managed by the larger organisation.
Meeting the key obligations under the State Records Act
The tables below set out some of the ways in which a public office might comply with the key records management obligations from the State Records Act and associated standards in partnership with a shared service provider. Please note, the information in the tables is intended to be indicative only and does not represent the only model for how such an arrangement might work.
The State Records Act states that 'each public office must establish and maintain a records management program for the public office in conformity with standards and codes of best practice from time to time approved under section 13' (Section 12(2)). Refer to the Standard on Records Management and in particular Principle 1: Organisations take responsibility for records and information management to check the minimum requirements for governance frameworks. It is essential that organisations have an appropriate governance framework for records and information and, access to appropriately skilled staff and monitor records management activity.
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
The State Records Act states that 'Each public office must ensure the safe custody and proper preservation of the State records that it has control of' (section 11(1)). Refer to the Standard on Records Management and the Standard on the Physical Storage of State Records to check the minimum compliance requirements that your public office must meet in storing records and protecting them.
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
The State Records Act states that 'Each public office must make and keep full and accurate records of the activities of the office' (section 12(1)). Refer to Standard on Records Managementand in particular:
- Principle 2.1 Records and information required to meet short and long term needs are identified and
- Principle 2.2 High risk and high value areas of business and the systems, records and information needed to support these business areas are identified.
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
The State Records Act states that 'Each public office must make arrangements with the Authority for the monitoring by the Authority of the public office's records management program and must report to the Authority, in accordance with arrangements made with the Authority, on the implementation of the public office's records management program' (section 12(4)).
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
The State Records Act states that 'If a record is in such a form that information can only be produced or made available from it by means of the use of particular equipment or information technology (such as computer software), the public office responsible for the record must take such action as may be necessary to ensure that the information remains able to be produced or made available' (section 14(1)).
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
The State Records Act states that 'Public offices may not dispose of State records, transfer their possession or ownership, take or send them out of New South Wales, or alter them, without the approval of State Records NSW' (section 21).
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
Public office records that are required to be kept as part of the State Archives Collection must be properly protected while they remain in the public office's custody. Public offices should contact State Records NSW to discuss transfer or other options for their permanent preservation when the records are no longer required for current business needs (State Records Act, Part 4 'Authority entitled to control of State records not currently in use').
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
Each public office must ensure that the State records for which it is responsible and that are over 20 years old and not open to public access are the subject of a closed to public access direction (State Records Act, Part 6 'Public access to records after 20 years').
A service provider may be contracted to... | ...and the public office would... |
Compliance with other laws and standards affecting recordkeeping
There are a range of laws, standards and codes affecting recordkeeping practice that the supplier of the records management service may need to be advised of. Again, the best way to communicate requirements is via your contractual arrangements. Examples of such rules and standards are:
- Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998, and your organisation's Privacy Management Plan
- Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 and your organisation's GIPA procedures
- NSW Cyber Security Policy, January 2022
- NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines
- AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management - Principles and guidelines
- AS ISO/IEC 27001:2006 Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems – Requirements and AS ISO/IEC 27002:2006 Information technology - Security techniques - Code of practice for information security controls and related standards
- any quality assurance standards your organisation is seeking to comply with.