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See these entries for records relating to standing committees established by governing bodies of an organisation. Standing committees are considered to be committees where there is delegation from the governing body to undertake particular functions and where the committee has its own authority to make decisions and take action.
Note: It is recommended that organisations have in place established procedures and guidance regarding the capture of official sets of committee minutes, papers and associated correspondence into recordkeeping systems and the management and disposal of a committee member's own copies of committee records once membership ceases.
See Financial management- Authorisation for records relating to approvals and authorisations for travel or reimbursement of expenses for non-employees serving as members of committees.
See Governing bodies - Meetingsfor records relating to meetings of governing bodies, such as boards, trusts, etc., and formal sub-committees of governing bodies. Sub-committees are considered to be committees established by the governing body and involving members of the governing body. Such committees report to, or make recommendations to, the governing body regarding issues impacting on the operations of the organisation but have no authority to make decisions and take action.
See Government relations - Meetings for records relating to meetings between Chief Executives and Ministers, Ministerial employees or senior executives of other government organisations when those meetings are not related to specific functions and activities.
See Personnel - Authorisation for records relating to approvals and authorisations for travel or travel arrangements for employees serving as members of committees.
See Strategic management- Meetings for records relating to general, section or unit meetings of employees.
No | Description of records | Disposal action |
1.0.1 | Records relating to international committees where the organisation provides the state or national representative. Records include:
| Required as State archives |
1.0.2 | Records relating to inter-government committees where the organisation provides the State representative, for example, Committees or Councils of State and national committees consisting of heads of government organisations, Ministers or statutory offices, for example, Solicitor Generals, Police Commissioners. Records include:
Note: Decisions concerning the disposal of the records of inter-governmental organisations, for example the Border Rivers Commission or the Murray Darling Basin Commission must involve consultation between the relevant State or Territory archival authorities. These records are outside of the scope of this authority and separate disposal authorisation must be sought from State Records. Note: This entry covers the records of National Cabinet meetings. | Required as State archives |
1.0.3 | Records relating to inter-agency or external committees where (1) the organisation provides the secretariat and (2) the committee was established for the purposes of strategic planning or policy development and considers issues impacting on the core functions or responsibilities of the organisation. Records include:
Note: In the case of committees established to support collaboration or integrated service delivery, organisations should consider entries 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 carefully to decide which entry is the most appropriate given the terms of reference of the committee and its purpose and significance or influence of its decision making. | Required as State archives |
1.0.4 | Records relating to inter-agency or external committees where (1) the organisation does not provide the secretariat or (2) where the organisation provides the secretariat but the Committee considers operational matters or matters relating to administrative or non-core functions of the organisation. Records include:
Note: In the case of committees established to support collaboration or integrated service delivery, organisations should consider entries 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 carefully to decide which entry is the most appropriate given the terms of reference of the committee and its purpose. Note: There may be some records relating to inter-agency or external committees dealing with operational matters that warrant retention as State archives, particularly where the records of the committee document decision making with respect to the organisation's core functions or responsibilities or consideration of matters attracting significant public interest. This should be assessed as part of the development of an organisation's functional retention and disposal authority and where warranted the records of the relevant committee/s should be included in the organisation's own functional retention and disposal authority. | Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
1.0.5 | Records relating to internal committees established for strategic planning or policy development purposes which consider significant issues impacting on the core functions or responsibilities of the organisation. Records include:
| Required as State archives |
1.0.6 | Records relating to internal committees which form part of consultative arrangements with staff regarding working conditions, for example, occupational health and safety committees, workplace relations committees. Records include:
| Retain minimum of 10 years after action completed, then destroy |
1.0.7 | Records relating to internal committees which consider operational matters and issues concerning the administrative or general operational support functions of the organisation. Excludes committees which form part of consultative arrangements with staff regarding working conditions or occupational health and safety issues. Records include:
Note: There may be some records relating to committees dealing with operational matters that warrant retention as State archives, particularly where the records of the committee document decision making by the organisation with respect to its core functions or responsibilities, for example, the records of grants or funding committees where the organisation has a functional responsibility for the disbursement of significant amounts of funding to industry, community groups or a particular sector, for example, the records of registration or approval committees or panels where the organisation has a responsibility for licensing the conduct of certain activities or the registration of certain professions. This should be assessed as part of the development of an organisation's functional retention and disposal authority and where warranted the records of the relevant committee/s should be included in the organisation's own functional retention and disposal authority. Note: Retention period is a minimum only and organisations should carefully consider whether the nature of these records would require a longer retention period. | Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
1.0.8 | Records relating to meetings of advisory or consultative committees, councils, etc., i.e. committees consisting of external stakeholder representation, which advise on or oversee the operations of, or delivery of services in, an organisation or which provide advice to the Minister or Government on policy, priorities or strategy. Includes committees established by the organisation, committees required to be established by legislation or where the Premier or Minister establishes the committee and/or appoints its members. Records include:
Use the organisation's functional retention and disposal authority if the advisory committee produces additional records that are not covered by this entry or other relevant entries in this authority, for example, records relating to the development or issue of industry standards, codes of practice or guidelines. | Required as State archives |
1.0.9 | Records relating to administrative arrangements for committee meetings. Records include:
| Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
1.0.10 | Records relating to the registration of persons interested in serving on panels, taskforces, advisory groups etc. Records include expressions of interest, applications, correspondence with applicants. Note: records of successful appointments will be captured as part of the relevant entry above. | Retain until interest withdrawn or reference use ceases, then destroy |
No 1.0.1 Description of records Records relating to international committees where the organisation provides the state or national representative. Records include:
Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 1.0.2 Description of records Records relating to inter-government committees where the organisation provides the State representative, for example, Committees or Councils of State and national committees consisting of heads of government organisations, Ministers or statutory offices, for example, Solicitor Generals, Police Commissioners. Records include:
Note: Decisions concerning the disposal of the records of inter-governmental organisations, for example the Border Rivers Commission or the Murray Darling Basin Commission must involve consultation between the relevant State or Territory archival authorities. These records are outside of the scope of this authority and separate disposal authorisation must be sought from State Records. Note: This entry covers the records of National Cabinet meetings. Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 1.0.3 Description of records Records relating to inter-agency or external committees where (1) the organisation provides the secretariat and (2) the committee was established for the purposes of strategic planning or policy development and considers issues impacting on the core functions or responsibilities of the organisation. Records include:
Note: In the case of committees established to support collaboration or integrated service delivery, organisations should consider entries 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 carefully to decide which entry is the most appropriate given the terms of reference of the committee and its purpose and significance or influence of its decision making. Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 1.0.4 Description of records Records relating to inter-agency or external committees where (1) the organisation does not provide the secretariat or (2) where the organisation provides the secretariat but the Committee considers operational matters or matters relating to administrative or non-core functions of the organisation. Records include:
Note: In the case of committees established to support collaboration or integrated service delivery, organisations should consider entries 1.0.3 and 1.0.4 carefully to decide which entry is the most appropriate given the terms of reference of the committee and its purpose. Note: There may be some records relating to inter-agency or external committees dealing with operational matters that warrant retention as State archives, particularly where the records of the committee document decision making with respect to the organisation's core functions or responsibilities or consideration of matters attracting significant public interest. This should be assessed as part of the development of an organisation's functional retention and disposal authority and where warranted the records of the relevant committee/s should be included in the organisation's own functional retention and disposal authority. Disposal action Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 1.0.5 Description of records Records relating to internal committees established for strategic planning or policy development purposes which consider significant issues impacting on the core functions or responsibilities of the organisation. Records include:
Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 1.0.6 Description of records Records relating to internal committees which form part of consultative arrangements with staff regarding working conditions, for example, occupational health and safety committees, workplace relations committees. Records include:
Disposal action Retain minimum of 10 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 1.0.7 Description of records Records relating to internal committees which consider operational matters and issues concerning the administrative or general operational support functions of the organisation. Excludes committees which form part of consultative arrangements with staff regarding working conditions or occupational health and safety issues. Records include:
Note: There may be some records relating to committees dealing with operational matters that warrant retention as State archives, particularly where the records of the committee document decision making by the organisation with respect to its core functions or responsibilities, for example, the records of grants or funding committees where the organisation has a functional responsibility for the disbursement of significant amounts of funding to industry, community groups or a particular sector, for example, the records of registration or approval committees or panels where the organisation has a responsibility for licensing the conduct of certain activities or the registration of certain professions. This should be assessed as part of the development of an organisation's functional retention and disposal authority and where warranted the records of the relevant committee/s should be included in the organisation's own functional retention and disposal authority. Note: Retention period is a minimum only and organisations should carefully consider whether the nature of these records would require a longer retention period. Disposal action Retain minimum of 5 years after action completed, then destroy |
No 1.0.8 Description of records Records relating to meetings of advisory or consultative committees, councils, etc., i.e. committees consisting of external stakeholder representation, which advise on or oversee the operations of, or delivery of services in, an organisation or which provide advice to the Minister or Government on policy, priorities or strategy. Includes committees established by the organisation, committees required to be established by legislation or where the Premier or Minister establishes the committee and/or appoints its members. Records include:
Use the organisation's functional retention and disposal authority if the advisory committee produces additional records that are not covered by this entry or other relevant entries in this authority, for example, records relating to the development or issue of industry standards, codes of practice or guidelines. Disposal action Required as State archives |
No 1.0.9 Description of records Records relating to administrative arrangements for committee meetings. Records include:
Disposal action Retain until administrative or reference use ceases, then destroy |
No 1.0.10 Description of records Records relating to the registration of persons interested in serving on panels, taskforces, advisory groups etc. Records include expressions of interest, applications, correspondence with applicants. Note: records of successful appointments will be captured as part of the relevant entry above. Disposal action Retain until interest withdrawn or reference use ceases, then destroy |
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