Key partners and resources

The NSW Identity Strategy has been developed with a range of stakeholders, and should be read in conjunction with various strategies and other resources.

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Key partners

An effective approach to managing identity requires whole-of- government cooperation and collaboration. Government, businesses, not-for-profits and the public are mutually responsible for the safety of identity.

NSW Government

NSW Registry of Births Deaths & Marriages (NSW BDM)Responsibility for the creation, maintenance and retirement of legal identity sits with the NSW BDM. NSW BDM has a legislative obligation to keep identity information safe and accurate.
Customer Service clusterAs the face of NSW Government service delivery, Service NSW ensures the customer is a key focus of identity management. A stable, secure and interoperable identity system will deliver more effective and efficient customer service outcomes for NSW. Cyber Security NSW is responsible for strong security standards across NSW Government digital systems.
Education clusterThe Education cluster leads the protection of youth identity information. Documents issued by the Education cluster can be used as supporting documents to acquire other transactional identity documents later in life. Education also has a key role in shaping the identity habits of young Australians.
Health clusterThe protection and secure management of sensitive health information is critical. NSW Health is the lead agency in ensuring this information is managed in line with requirements under the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002. NSW Health also works closely with vulnerable cohorts and best understands their unique needs.
Information and Privacy  Commission NSW Privacy and power over one’s personal information are of critical importance. The Information and Privacy Commission NSW is an independent statutory authority that protects and promotes the privacy and information access rights of NSW citizens. It works with agencies to ensure privacy and security-by-design principles are embedded to ensure the ongoing protection of the privacy and security of NSW citizens’ identities.
NSW Police Force

A police report is critical for someone commencing the process to have the security of their identity restored. The NSW Police Force investigates cyber crime and identity theft, and supports customers on their journey to recovery.

Stronger Communities clusterThe Department of Communities and Justice ensures its agencies adhere to the privacy controls under the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. The department also advises the Attorney General in relation to privacy law
and policy. NSW Courts and Tribunals play and important role in hearing cases being prosecuted for identity crime offences.

Transport for NSW (TfNSW)

A person’s identity journey with TfNSW begins when obtaining a driver licence or photo card – a key document that is used to verify identity throughout your life. TfNSW facilitates a strong and secure identity management system that underpins the provision of services across NSW.


Department of Home AffairsHome Affairs works with the jurisdictions to develop and maintain national standards relating to identity. It is also responsible for the creation of identity through immigration pathways. The NSW Government works with Home Affairs to ensure that identity security risks are effectively managed.
Services AustraliaEnsuring disadvantaged customers can interact easily with government and business is critical. Proofing personal information, ensuring the ongoing security of government-issued documents and educating the public on identity misuse will increase the security of identity in Australia for all citizens.



Collaboration with IDCARE is vital to facilitate support for victims of identity theft and misuse, offering specific information and pathways in response to identity and cyber-crime.

Companion strategies and resources

There are a number of existing NSW Government, Commonwealth and other strategies, frameworks and systems that govern areas that impact upon identity. They include:

  • National Identity Security Strategy
  • Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy 2020
  • National Identity Proofing Guidelines
  • Essential Eight Mitigating Controls – Australian Cyber Security Centre
  • Identity Matching Services website
  • NSW Government Cyber Security Strategy
  • NSW Cyber Security Policy
  • Privacy by design fact sheet – Information and Privacy Commission NSW
  • NSW Beyond Digital Strategy
  • The Five Safes Framework
  • The Trusted Digital Identity Framework
  • NSW Government Information Classification, Labelling and Handling Guidelines.

Additional existing resources provide useful information about identity crime, biometrics and facial recognition, and human rights associated with equal access. These include:

  • Identity crime and misuse in Australia 2019 report – Australian Institute of Criminology
  • Human Rights and Technology discussion paper 2019 – Australian Human Rights Commission
  • Biometrics Institute:
    o    Privacy Guidelines
    o    Ethical Principles for Biometrics.
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