From 1 July 2020, all childcare providers in NSW will be required to display their National Quality Standard (NQS) rating in the format of four stars that correlate to their NQS rating level.
Childcare providers will need to display the stars where they can be clearly seen by parents. Providers will also need to give more detailed rating information to parents and families during enrolment.
The new four-star format will display a childcare provider's NQF rating as:
- Exceeding NQS: 4 stars
- Meeting NQS: 3 stars
- Working towards NQS: 2 stars
- Significant Improvement Required: 1 star.
A fifth star can be obtained through an additional application to the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority.
Minister for Education and Early Childhood Learning Sarah Mitchell said the change is something both parents and services have been calling for.
“Ensuring parents and carers understand the rating of their early childhood service is essential for families, and also for maintaining and improving quality,” Ms Mitchell said.
Learn more about the National Quality Framework