Mental health at work

Creating a mentally healthy workplace is the responsibility of all employers, leaders and workers in NSW.

Make your workplace safer and healthier by learning about how to manage mental health and registering for free training and coaching.

Man with white shirt, tie and cup of coffee talking to man in grey hat, shirt and orange vest and woman in yellow vest with dark long hair

Tools and resources for your workplace


Three people in a training workshop

Managing mental health

A mentally healthy workplace benefits every employee and every business. Learn how to create a mentally healthy workplace and the benefits to doing so, how to get and give support, and the factors that impact people's mental health.


Woman smiling in office holding cords

Workplace Pulse Check

Find out how well your workplace is supporting mental health by completing the 11-question Workplace Pulse Check. Get a comparison on how mentally healthy your workplace is compared to others of the same business size and industry.


Mechanic in a workshop

Mentally healthy workplace resources

Resources to help businesses, leaders and others to create a mentally healthy workplace. Find practical resources for small businesses, training, recovery at work and more. 


Male worker working on a car manufacturing assembly line

Manufacturing resource kit

The manufacturing sector has common factors that can increase the risk of workers developing poor mental health. This resource kit outlines the risk factors, how to address them, and what you can do to create a mentally healthy workplace.  


Regional small business

Regional resource kit

Regional and remote businesses face unique challenges that impact workplace mental health. This resource kit has tailored advice and resources for regional businesses to promote, manage and support mental health at work.

Success stories

Watch videos of businesses who have already taken part in our free programs.

Hear what they learned and the positive impacts they are experiencing, including better workplace culture, improved work-life balance, increased productivity and reduced staff leave.

Watch success stories

Woman sitting in chair talking about success stories

Mental health at work ambassadors

Leaders play an important role in reducing stigma and driving policies and practices at work that promote mental health.

We have partnered with leaders from a range of industries and sectors, who are creating positive change.

Meet our ambassadors

Woman wearing pink button up shirt with hand in pocket smiling and standing in front of a red tractor
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