Young families in Griffith and surrounding areas will have increased access to parenting support with the official opening of Tresillian in the Griffith Family Care Centre.
NSW Regional Health Minister Ryan Park and Member for Murray Helen Dalton today launched the new Tresillian service, which will provide intensive early parenting support services for the local community.
“Adjusting to life with a new baby can be overwhelming and having a service such as Tresillian available close to home can be life-changing for families in the Murrumbidgee region who may need extra advice, education and guidance,” Mr Park said.
“New parents often face challenges whether that be with feeding or settling a baby, toddler behaviour or perinatal anxiety and depression, which is why the support Tresillian offers is so important in the early childhood years.”
Tresillian’s CEO Rob Mills said Tresillian clinicians will be able to offer face-to-face and virtual consultations, as well as connect families with a co-located perinatal mental health counselling service through Gidget House.
“Tresillian is the largest early parenting service in Australia, providing advice, support and evidence-based programs to families in the early years,” Mr Mills said.
“Tresillian's services have transformed the lives of thousands of Australian families, so we’re thrilled to be working in partnership with the NSW Government, the Murrumbidgee Local Health District and Gidget Foundation Australia to ensure every child has the best start in life.”
Independent Member for Murray Helen Dalton said she was pleased funding for Tresillian’s regional services had been extended.
“I have been a loyal supporter and advocate for this organisation, in Griffith and surrounds,” Ms Dalton said.
“With funding for the Rural and Regional Family Care Centres due to expire on the 30th of June 2023, Mr. Park and I found a solution to allocate the required funding to help build Tresillian’s new permanent facility.
“This is a great result and Lynne Shelton, the nursing unit manager at Tresillian, and Karen Garzoli, our child and family health nurse and midwife, have worked tirelessly to provide this incredible service for local families in Griffith.”
Tresillian Griffith is located at 101 Binya Street, Griffith and operates Monday to Friday.
It is one of 7 Tresillian Family Care Centres and 5 mobile vans allocated an additional $12.2 million in funding over 2 years from July 2023.
To book a visit to Tresillian Griffith, parents can either self-refer by completing a short form on the Tresillian website, or ask their local GP or NSW Health Child & Family Health Nurse for a referral.
Families seeking parenting support can also call Tresillian’s Parent’s Help Line on 1300 272 736, Monday to Friday.
For more advice, tips and support visit Tresillian Family Care Centres.