Jobs and careers

Understand how to get a job, prepare for an interview and your rights in the workplace.

Woman smiling at a conference table in an office, seated next to another woman

My Career Planner now live

My Career Planner lets you discover the career that’s right for you and how you can make it happen. Book a free session with a Careers NSW Specialist today.

Getting job ready


Briefcase carried by a man in a suit

Getting your first job

A guide for starting your first job and what you need to know.


Hands typing on a laptop keyboard

Searching for a job

​​When you’re looking for work the job you really want may not be advertised. 


A resume or CV being handed over to someone.

Writing resumes and cover letters

Learn what to include and the best way to structure these documents.


A man on a video call on a laptop

Preparing for job interviews

An interview lets you showcase your skills, experience and suitability for a job.

Starting your own business

Young people looking at their mobile phones

New business assistance 

If you are unemployed, not studying or training, and interested in running your own business, the Australian Government offers New Business Assistance with the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme (NEIS).

The NEIS can help your business with accreditation, mentoring and financial support.

Your rights in the workplace

How do I know if I’m being paid the right amount?

You must be paid at least a minimum wage. What the minimum wage is will depend on the type of work you do and your age.

Getting fired and unfair dismissal

If you think you have been fired unfairly or for the wrong reason, you may be able to make a complaint to the Fair Work Commission.

Your workplace rights and employment conditions

There are minimum rights that you have at work, such as how many hours you can work and when you must have a break.

Are you experiencing workplace discrimination?

Workplace discrimination is when you are treated unfairly because of how you look or your personal life.

Safety at work

Many young workers are injured each year but you have the right to a safe and healthy workplace. Follow the young workers etoolkit to stay safe at work.

Join your union

Join a union to protect your rights at work and the life you enjoy outside of work.

Careers and improving your skills

My Career Planner

Discover the career that’s right for you and how you can make it happen. 

Careers advice

Resources including a career mentoring helpline and tools and quizzes to help you uncover the best career for you.

Changing careers

Information about different career paths, training and upskilling options, and how to find work.
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