Careers advice for young people

Information for when you're unsure of what to do after school, wanting to progress or change careers.

Group of five people seated around a coffee table with a kitchen and bookcase in the background

School Leavers Information Kit

As you make your next move, the School Leavers Information Kit (SLIK) can help you uncover all the education, training, and employment options available to you.

Uncover your career path

Explore careers that are in demand and discover jobs that suit your talents. 

Services that can help

Two people seated having coffee together with a laptop

Work and study support

Are you unsure about what’s next, don’t know where to start with looking for a job or how to work out what you might want to study? Headspace work and study can help you.

Headspace work and study is a free service. Connect through webchat, video, email, or phone call. 

Two women have a conversation

Career mentoring

If you are having difficulty finding or maintaining work, the headspace career mentoring service can connect you with an industry mentor. The service is especially for young people aged 18-25.

Related information

My Career Planner

Discover the career that’s right for you and how you can make it happen.

Jobs and careers

Understand how to get a job, prepare for an interview and your rights in the workplace.

Changing careers

Information about different career paths, training and upskilling options, and how to find work.

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