Youth on Track

Youth on Track is a program for people between 10 to 17 years, aiming to reduce the seriousness of offences in young people. The program focuses on intervening early and providing support to the young person and their family.

Learn how Youth on Track works to help young people and its impact on the community. 

3 adults talking to one another facing away from the camera.

About the program

Youth on Track is a program helping young people reduce their risk of re-offending or committing more serious offences. The program works with the young person, their family, non-government organisations (NGOs), caseworkers, and members of Youth Justice, to help a young person make better decisions about their life. 

Youth on Track is a location-specific program and is currently only eligible to young people in certain areas. 

Understand the referral process, how the program works, who’s eligible and the outcomes it achieves for young people. 

How Youth on Track works

The program is delivered by Youth Justice NSW and service providers. Learn about the referral process and eligibility criteria for young people.

Reporting and evaluation

Youth on Track is assessed against specific criteria to measure its impact on the community. Learn how the program is being evaluated and understand how it's helping young people.


Youth on Track is a location specific-program and is currently only available in certain areas. See where the program is offered and how to find your local service provider. 

Contact us

If you’ve got a question or are looking for more information about the program, you can contact Youth on Track directly through our online form.


Find recent publications and reports explaining the program's delivery, its guidelines and how it achieves its outcomes in more detail.


Keep up to date with the latest news and media releases for Youth on Track and find news from previous years.

Refer a young person to Youth on Track

If you work with a young person you think is eligible for Youth on Track, you can make a referral.

Referrals to Youth on Track can be made by organisations working with young people who have had formal contact with the police, along with displaying a range of risk factors including, behavioural issues, drug and alcohol use, anti-social peer association, or unstable housing.

Referrals can be made online or by downloading and completing the form.

Youth on Track 2021 snapshot


There were 804 suitable program referrals.


300 young people consented to participate in the program.

Reduced re-offending risk

100% of participants reduced their risk of re-offending.

"Youth on Track helped me a lot. I’d be in jail if I hadn’t been to Youth on Track. It gave me the skills to make me the person that I am today."   

Participant of YoT

"Youth on Track motivated him internally. They helped with resumes and helped him apply for jobs. I don’t know what he would have done without this help."

Family member of YoT participant

Related information

About Youth Justice

Youth Justice NSW supervises and cares for young people in the community and in Youth Justice Centres who have committed an offence.

Programs and services

Youth Justice provides services that help with legal advice, building relationships and rehabilitation. See community and support services on offer for young people, families and victims.

Support services

Youth Justice NSW funds non-government organisations to deliver a range of evidence-based services that help young people to reduce their risk of re-offending and address their underlying needs. 

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