Know your rights
Under the Victims Rights and Support Act 2013, a victim has the right to certain treatment, including the right to be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect.
If you are a victim of crime in NSW, the Charter of Victims Rights sets out how you should be treated by everyone who works in NSW Government departments, as well as non-government agencies and private contractors funded by the NSW Government which provide services to victims of crime.
The Charter outlines 18 rights, including a victim’s right to:
- be treated with courtesy, compassion and respect
- be adequately provided with information about services and remedies
- access to services
- be informed about the investigation of the crime
- information about prosecution of accused
- information about trial process and role as witness
- protection from contact with the accused
- protection of your identity
- attend preliminary hearings
- have property returned that is held by the State
- protection from the accused
- information about special bail conditions
- information about the outcome of a bail application
- make a victim impact statement (in some circumstances)
- information about an offender’s impending release, escape or eligibility for absence from custody
- submissions on parole and eligibility for absence from custody or serious offenders
- financial assistance for victims of personal violence
- information about complaint procedures where the Charter is breached.
You can learn more about the Charter and your rights as a victim of crime on the Victims Services website. If you need to make a complaint, read more about the process on the Victims Services website.