Going to court as a defendant

Understand what to do if you need to appear in court to answer charges in NSW, and what to expect at different stages of the court process.


When you are first charged

A heavy timber door on a courtroom

Defending charges in court will not always follow a precise order or timeline, but your journey may look like this.

Two men at a desk discuss and sign legal documents
Understand charges

Your Court Attendance Notice (CAN) is key to understand the charges you face and when you need to go to court.

Scales of justice and a gavel
Bail and breaching bail

Learn what bail is and how to apply to vary your bail conditions.

First court appearance

If you miss your court appearance

If you missed your court date, the Court still must deal with your case. Here's what could happen and what you can do.

Entering a plea

Before you go to court you should decide how you want to plead. You should seek legal advice before entering a plea of guilty or not guilty.

Support in court

Find organisations who have volunteers to help support defendants in court, as well as telephone or referral support.

Sentencing and appeal

Understand what sentences the Court can give you and the time you have to appeal.

Finding legal support

Legal advice and help

Anyone appearing in court should get legal advice for their situation.

Online solicitor referrals

Use the Law Society of NSW's online solicitor referral service to find the right fee-for-service lawyer to help you in court.

Dealing with a traffic offence

Use Legal Aid's guided pathway to answer legal questions around fines, traffic offences and licence suspension.

Useful contacts for support and advice

Legal Aid NSW

Legal Aid NSW provides legal help for people in NSW. You can call an information officer or use webchat to help with legal information and referrals to legal advice.

Phone:1300 888 529Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

Community Legal Centres NSW

Use the Community Legal Centres NSW recommendation service to find a community legal centre suitable for your situation.

Phone:1300 888 529Call Legal Aid NSW to resolve a legal problem.

Aboriginal Legal Service

The Aboriginal Legal Service (ALS) criminal law practice provides legal advice, representation, assistance and referrals in courts, prisons and ALS offices for Aboriginal people throughout NSW and the ACT.

Justice Advocacy Service

The Justice Advocacy Service (JAS) supports young people and adults with cognitive impairment in contact with the NSW criminal justice system.

Phone:1300 665 908Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

The MERIT program

The Magistrates Early Referral Into Treatment (MERIT) program is a voluntary, pre-plea program for adults in the Local Court who have issues related to their alcohol and other drug use.

Phone:1800 250 015Call the Alcohol and Drug Information Service (ADIS) to be referred to a MERIT team in your area.
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