$500 million to strengthen the economy and create jobs in regional NSW
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: From $1,000,000
- Application opened: 7 August 2018
- Application closed: 1 October 2020, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The objective of the fund is to support projects of economic significance in regional NSW, which draw on the strengths or potential strengths of each Functional Economic Region. The Growing Local Economies Fund has been established under the NSW Government’s Restart NSW Fund. The objective of the Restart NSW Fund is to improve economic growth and productivity in NSW.
The Growing Local Economies Fund is part of the NSW Government’s $1.3 billion Regional Growth Fund and is designed to deliver economic growth and productivity in regional NSW. The fund will invest in infrastructure projects right across regional NSW to ensure economic prosperity is spread around the state.
This program is funded and administered by Department of Regional NSW.
Who can apply
Funding is available for projects located in regional NSW outside of Sydney, Newcastle and Wollongong.
Eligible applicants include:
- local councils or Joint Organisations of Councils
- Local Aboriginal Land Councils
- infrastructure providers such as telecommunication, energy or water companies
- peak bodies such as incorporated business, industry and community associations
- cooperatives
- educational institutions
- incorporated not-for-profit organisations
Applications involving public–private partnerships or leveraging other funding streams (such as Commonwealth or local government funding) are encouraged.
Who can’t apply
The Growing Local Economies Fund will not support projects that:
- are not in eligible locations
- are on private land unless there is a clear public benefit
- have exclusive private benefits
- relate to buying or upgrading non-fixed equipment
- relate to marketing, advertising or product promotion
- require ongoing funding from the NSW Government or Commonwealth Government
- request grant funding for operational expenditure, including but not limited to regular repairs and maintenance.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Projects must be for infrastructure that:
- is for the use and benefit of multiple organisations or businesses
- enables or brings forward investment or productivity improvements for new or existing industry
- delivers a net economic benefit to residents and business located in NSW
- would likely not proceed without NSW Government funding. Wherever possible, projects should support local procurement, job creation and skills development.
What can’t you apply for
Examples of ineligible projects include:
- street beautification
- construction of a building that will return a commercial rent to a single organisation or entity
- projects that do not involve building infrastructure, such as dredging or earthworks as the sole activity
- non-fixed equipment such as road machinery.
Example projects
Examples of eligible infrastructure projects include:
- service infrastructure to unlock potential for new or existing employment areas
- road or rail upgrades
- telecommunication infrastructure that enables economic growth or increases productivity for multiple businesses.
What your application needs to include
- Applying for the Growing Local Economies Fund is a two-step process.
- Please read the Program Guidelines (PDF 7.01MB) before starting your application.
All projects must:
- show capacity to improve economic growth and productivity for the state of NSW
- help regional communities capitalise on their strengths or broaden and reposition their industry base
- demonstrate benefits to multiple organisations or businesses
- align with the relevant NSW Government Regional Economic Development Strategy
- have a minimum financial co-contribution of 25 per cent of the total grant amount. The co-contribution for the project must be from sources other than the Restart NSW Fund and must be confirmed.
- provide information on how the project will be operated and/or maintained upon completion.
Applications will be assessed in a two step process. The first, through submission of an expression of interest ad brief data sheet.
If successful at Step One, applicants will be requested to formally submit a business case for consideration. In this stage, applicants will be asked to provide more detail regarding their project, including information on their ability to carry out the project in the appropriate timeframe and the competitiveness of the proposal against factors such as value for money, sustainability and the level of contingency/risk.
Start the application
Applications for this grant have now closed.
After the application is submitted
STEP ONE: If your proposed project is eligible, you will be invited to submit an expression of interest.
STEP TWO: Applicants will be required to provide significantly more detail regarding their project in a business case
Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding deed with NSW Treasury. Infrastructure NSW is the Treasurer’s representative on funding deeds for the Restart NSW Fund and will administer the deed.
Program evaluation
A strategic review has been undertaken that will inform the design of future economic activation programs:
Growing Local Economies Strategic Review report (PDF 196.48KB) -
Growing Local Economies Strategic Review summary brochure (PDF 6.72MB)
You can also read Growing Local Economies process evaluation.