Growing Local Economies Process Evaluation

The $500 million Growing Local Economies (GLE) Fund was announced in 2017.

The Fund is resourced from the Restart NSW Fund, established by the Restart NSW Fund Act 2011. The objective of GLE was to fund common use enabling infrastructure projects in regional NSW to improve productivity and economic growth in NSW. 

The GLE Fund program design used an open, non-rounds-based grant application process, and a reserved pool funding allocation model to provide equitable investment opportunities across each of the 38 Functional Economic Regions (FER) in regional NSW.

This Process Evaluation assesses the appropriateness, efficiency and effectiveness of the design and implementation of GLE. It covers activities relating to program design, application and assessment processes. 

The evaluation found that the program was well designed to achieve its objective and design and planning activities delivered a fit for purpose program that successfully funded economic infrastructure projects that are expected to drive economic growth. Funding decisions were undertaken in line with eligibility and assessment criteria. 

The findings of this Process Evaluation have been used to drive program improvements in other regional grants programs administered by the Department of Regional NSW. These include improvements to applicant support and guidance and better data collection to understand program outcomes. 

Growing Local Economies Process Evaluation (PDF 563.37KB)

Date of publication: May 2022


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