Cladding Regulation Online Registration System

New laws require building owners to register certain buildings with combustible cladding with the NSW Government.

Cladding on a building

Do I need to register
my building?

View the checklist to know if you need to register your

Register your

New buildings must be registered within four months of being occupied.

Cladding Taskforce

An interagency Cladding Taskforce was established to address fire safety risks in relation to external combustible cladding on buildings.

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions for councils, apartment and building owners.

What is cladding?

Find out what combustible cladding is and how to identify it.

Why buildings need to be registered

New laws require building owners to register certain buildings with combustible cladding with the NSW Government.

Since July 2017, the NSW Cladding Taskforce has been advancing the identification and inspection of buildings with combustible cladding. Registration on this system adds to the Taskforce’s information on buildings that may have combustible cladding. This helps agencies such as Fire and Rescue NSW to plan and respond in the event of a fire. It also assists councils to decide whether any assessment or rectification actions are necessary.


Combustible cladding

Here’s why to register your building.

Read transcript
Video transcript

Combustible cladding

Here’s why to register your building.

Hi, I'm Matt Sigmund, I'm the team leader for the Fire and Rescue Building Cladding Task Force.

Fire and Rescue New South Wales are working closely with the New South Wales Cladding Task Force, to locate buildings with potentially combustible cladding.

We are also working closely with local councils, and the Department of Planning, to ensure these buildings are made safe. It's important to know that just because your building has cladding, doesn't mean it's dangerous.

There's two main types of cladding we're concerned about. One is ACP or Aluminium Composite Panelling, and the other is EPS or Expanded Polystyrene.

ACP is two thin sheets of aluminium, bonded by a polyethylene and mineral core. Expanded polystyrene is typically used in pool rooms or cold storage warehouses. But has been used more recently as a form of cladding on the outside of buildings.

Our local crews are working closely with building owners and occupants, preparing pre-incident plans on these buildings to ensure the safety of occupants.

We're also conducting home fire safety checks with residents, to help them learn how to be more fire safe in their home and prevent fires starting in the first place.

When we do a home fire safety check, we advise residents to keep barbecues away from cladding on balconies, to maintain good housekeeping practices on their balconies, and to keep combustible materials away.

It’s important residents keep looking when they're cooking, have a home fire escape plan, and keep fire safety in their home, to ensure fires don't start.

If there is a fire in your building, it's important you call triple zero as soon as you can. It's also important that you evacuate using your home fire escape plan.

Once you are outside, stay out. Fire and Rescue New South Wales firefighters are some of the most highly trained and well-equipped firefighters in the world, and are prepared for anything, and to help anyone, anytime.

If you think your building has cladding, follow the link on this video to register and help us be prepared for anything.

Contact us

If you require support, and you were unable to find the answer within the Frequently asked questions, contact Service NSW for assistance.

The customer service centre is open Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 5:00pm.

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