Building or renovating a home

Information on building a home, owner-builder permits, renovating your home, first home owners grants and buying land.


Builders blueprint and equipment

Renovating property in NSW

This guide is for people in NSW who are thinking about renovating their property. It gives information about approvals, safety, and resolving disputes.


couple looking at new home

Buying residential property in NSW

This is a guide for people who are buying residential property in NSW. It provides information about managing your money, deciding what type of property to buy and how much you can afford to pay.


Image of house with framed against a blue sky

Building a new home

Use the myHome Planner interactive building guide to help you research, plan and design your new project home.

Building a home


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Asbestos Finder

Did you know asbestos was used in more than 3000 common building materials before it was banned? If you’re renovating or working on a home or building built prior to 1990, you need to be especially careful. Asbestos Finder can help you find out what products might contain asbestos, where they were commonly located and how to find licensed asbestos assessors and removalists.
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