Medico legal coordinator – health information record service
The role of the medico legal coordinator includes facilitating the timely release of clinical information to legal agencies, health providers and eligible applicants whilst ensuring compliance with the Governments Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Health Records Information and Privacy Act 2002, all Ministry of Health Circulars and Policies and procedures and related policies. The role is also responsible for coordinating subpoenas, legal requests, search warrants along with requests from the Coroners Court and NSW Ombudsman.
Visiting medical officer
Visiting medical officers (VMO) deliver general and specialised medical services in the correctional centre environment. They work collaboratively with the nursing unit manager as part of a multi-disciplinary team. This includes general practitioners, drug and alcohol, psychiatry and oral health staff.
“Knowing that most of the patients have never seen a regular doctor for medical treatment prior to coming into custody and then being able to assist them in achieving the best possible healthcare outcomes, is a huge win.”
Justice Health NSW VMO.