Join a sport or recreation club
Start playing a sport today and improve your health by making physical activity part of your daily life.
Getting active can make a huge difference to your health by improving your fitness levels. Regular exercise can help to:
- maintain a healthy weight
- boost confidence
- improve sleep
- keep bones strong
- build muscle
- lower blood pressure
- reduce risk of diabetes, heart attack and stroke
- improve coordination, balance and flexibility.
If you find it hard to get motivated to do exercise, joining a sport or recreation club may be an option.
There are many sport and recreation activities available across NSW.
So, what are you waiting for? Find local clubs by sport and get active.
Sport | Contact organisation |
Aeromodellers NSW | |
Australian Football in NSW ACT | |
Archery NSW | |
Australian Bowhunters Association | |
Athletics NSW | |
Little Athletics NSW | |
NSW Badminton Association | |
Baseball NSW | |
Basketball NSW | |
NSW Biathlon | |
Billiards & Snooker Association of NSW | |
Boccia Australia | |
Bowls NSW | |
Women's Bowls NSW | |
Boxing Australia NSW | |
Cricket NSW | |
Croquet NSW | |
Bicycle NSW | |
DanceSport NSW | |
NSW Darts | |
Diving NSW | |
Dragon Boats NSW | |
NSW Endurance Riders' Association | |
Equestrian NSW | |
NSW Fencing | |
Australian National Sportfishing Association (NSW) | |
Football NSW | |
Northern NSW Football | |
Golf NSW | |
Gliding Australia | |
Gridiron NSW | |
Gymnastics NSW | |
NSW Handball | |
NSW Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association | |
Hockey NSW | |
Ice Hockey NSW | |
Ice Racing NSW | |
NSW Ice Skating Assocation | |
Indoor Sport NSW | |
Judo NSW | |
Australian Jujitsu Federation (Aikido, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Hapkido, Jujitsu, Jujutsu, Kenpo) | |
NSW Karate Federation | |
NSW Kendo Association | |
Kung Fu Wushu NSW | |
Australian Lacrosse Association | |
Confederation of Australia Motor Sport | |
Motorcycling NSW | |
NSW Mountain Bike | |
Netball NSW | |
Orienteering NSW | |
Australian Outrigger Canoe Racing Association | |
Paddle NSW | |
Australian Parachute Federation | |
NSW Hang Gliding & Paragliding Association | |
NSW Polo Association | |
Polocrosse Association of NSW | |
The Pony Club Association of NSW | |
Powerlifting Australia | |
Rowing NSW | |
NSW Rugby League | |
NSW Rugby Union NSW Waratahs | |
Australian Sailing | |
NSW Clay Target Association | |
NSW Amateur Pistol Association | |
NSW Rifle Association | |
Skate NSW | |
NSW Snowsports | |
Softball NSW | |
Speedway Australia | |
Squash NSW | |
Surf Life Saving NSW | |
Swimming NSW | |
Surfing NSW | |
Masters Swimming NSW | |
Artistic Swimming Australia | |
Table Tennis NSW | |
Australian Taekwondo | |
Tennis NSW | |
Tenpin Bowling NSW | |
NSW Touch Football | |
Triathlon NSW | |
NSW Ultimate | |
NSW Underwater Hockey Commission | |
State Volleyball NSW | |
Water Polo NSW | |
NSW Water Ski Federation | |
NSW Weightlifting Association | |
NSW Wrestling |
Related information
How much exercise do you need?
Regardless of how young or old you are, there are physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines available for you.
Getting active
Helpful tips for a more healthy and active future.
Contact your local council
You can ask your local council for information on local parks, recreation centres, sports clubs and programs.