Woody Head and Sandon River campgrounds

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service is seeking feedback on draft coastal hazard plans for Woody Head and Sandon River campgrounds.
Storm damage at Woody Head beach.
Storm damage at Woody Head beach.

Image copyright

Carly Roder/DCCEEW

What’s this about?

Woody Head campground in Bundjalung National Park and Sandon River campground in Yuraygir National Park face coastal hazards such as erosion, recession and inundation. 

These hazards threaten the use of the campgrounds, and their natural and cultural values.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has prepared draft coastal hazard response plans for Woody Head and Sandon River campgrounds.

The draft plans are available on our consultation web page. The draft plans include detailed coastal hazard studies and an assessment of potential management approaches. 

The draft NPWS coastal hazard response plans will support the Clarence Valley Council Open Coast Coastal Management Program.

Have your say

Have your say by Monday 29 July 2024.

You can provide feedback in 2 ways.

Formal submission

28 June 2024 to 29 July 2024

Address: PO Box 361, Grafton, NSW, 2460.

Consultation period

From:28 June 2024
To:29 July 2024

See consultation methods

More information

Email: Project team
Phone: 1300 361 967
Agency Website
Consultation Website

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