Sydenham Bus Layover

Transport for NSW is seeking feedback on the new updated design and Review of Environmental Factors (REF) for the proposed Sydenham Bus Layover.
Women getting on bus at Sydenham bus layover
Women getting on bus at Sydenham bus layover

What’s this about?

What’s this about?

Sydenham requires a bus layover area to cater to the growing number of bus services in this area. Before picking up passengers, buses currently park along Burrows Avenue which creates congestion and safety issues for pedestrians and drivers.

The layover has been designed for buses to enter from Railway Road and exit onto Burrows Avenue and will include:

  • 6 bus parking spaces
  • a dedicated drivers’ amenity block with a meal room and toilets
  • a noise wall between residential properties and the layover facility
  • a pedestrian walkway along the eastern side of the layover with a fence to separate pedestrians from the layover area
  • landscaping. 

Have your say

Have your say by Monday 9 September 2024.

There are 3 ways to provide feedback.


12 August 2024 to 9 September 2024


12 August 2024 to 9 September 2024
9:00am to 5:00pm

Phone: 1800 684 490

Postal submission

12 August 2024 to 9 September 2024

Address: Sydenham Bus Layover – Transport for NSW, Level 7, 12 Darcy Street, Parramatta, NSW, 2150.

Consultation period

From:12 August 2024
To:9 September 2024

See consultation methods

More information

Email: Project team
Phone: 1800 684 490
Agency Website
Consultation Website

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