Statutory Review of the Biosecurity Act

The NSW Department of Primary Industries is seeking your feedback for the statutory review of the Biosecurity Act 2015.

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What’s this about?

Biosecurity protects our community, economy and environment from pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants. NSW and Australia are fortunate to be free of many pests and diseases that impact other countries. However, biosecurity risks are rising with increased global trade, recreational travel and population.  

The NSW Government, through the NSW Department of Primary Industries has released a Discussion Paper which seeks your feedback to ensure the Biosecurity Act 2015 continues to meet current and future biosecurity risks and challenges. Readers are encouraged to respond to as many or as few topics as they wish, and comment on any other issues relevant to the objectives of the review.  

You can help us ensure that the biosecurity needs of New South Wales continue to be met, now and into the future by providing your feedback on the Biosecurity Act 2015 Discussion Paper by 11 February 2023.   

Have your say

Protecting NSW communities, industries and the environment - The NSW Department of Primary Industries is seeking your feedback for the statutory review of the Biosecurity Act 2015.  

Biosecurity protects our community, economy and environment from pests, diseases, weeds and contaminants. NSW and Australia are fortunate to be free of many pests and diseases that impact other countries. We have great access to fresh food, fibre, open spaces and a unique environment. However, biosecurity risks are rising with increased global trade, recreational travel and population. 

As part of the Statutory Review of the Biosecurity Act 2015, a Discussion Paper has been developed which seeks your feedback the extent to which the Biosecurity Act 2015 continues to meet current and future biosecurity risks and challenges.  

The Department values the views of all members of the community and encourages interested parties to make a submission. This Discussion Paper includes questions to prompt consideration.  Readers are encouraged to respond to as many or as few topics as they wish, and to comment on any other issues relevant to the objectives of the review.  

The questions in this Discussion Paper are intended to prompt discussion and are not indicative of a proposed course of action. 

Comments close on the 11 February 2023. 

NSW DPI invites stakeholders and interested groups to make submissions based on this discussion paper

Please read the following documents for more information:

Please note that, unless requested otherwise, submissions made are public documents, and therefore subject to Government information public access law.

Online consultation

20 December 2022 to 11 February 2023

Online submission form

Postal submission

20 December 2022 to 11 February 2023

Address: Biosecurity and Food Safety, NSW Department of Primary Industries, Locked Box 21 ORANGE NSW 2800

Consultation period

From:20 December 2022
To:11 February 2023

See consultation methods

More information

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