Old South Head Road, Bondi
What’s this about?
During peak hours, there is extensive queuing at the intersection of Old South Head Road and Bondi Road. This delays traffic and buses, and weaving traffic also causes safety issues.
Transport is proposing to extend the third right turn lane on Old South Head Road by 65 metres (from 25m to 90m) to create a longer lane for vehicles turning right onto Syd Einfeld Drive.
Key benefits include:
- reduced queue lengths and fewer delays for buses and general traffic during peak hours
- improved reliability and performance for more than 1,100 buses and around 24,000 passengers each day
- reduced general traffic congestion and less traffic weaving
- safer, easier, and more reliable journeys for bus passengers
- less pollution from vehicle emissions.
To extend the right turn lane, we will need to:
- adjust the width of existing traffic lanes
- reduce the width of the northern footpath to 2 metres for about 65 metres, maintaining effective width for people walking
- relocate electricity and light poles
- remove 1 tree along Old South Head Road and investigate retaining 3 Jacaranda trees in the cul-de-sac at Fern Place. If these trees need to be removed, we will work with Woollahra Council to relocate them, or plant new trees in an alternative location.
The shared path on the southern side of the road will not be impacted.
Have your say
Have your say by Sunday 10 November 2024.
There are 3 ways to provide feedback.
Have your say by completing the survey on the consultation website
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 1800 491 566
Agency Website