Dorrigo Escarpment Great Walk project
What’s this about?
This is your chance to provide feedback on the 3 draft master plans proposed as part of the Dorrigo Escarpment Great Walk project on Gumbaynggirr Country.
Dorrigo Arc Rainforest Centre
A new visitor centre and spectacular elevated walkway on the footprint of the existing Dorrigo Rainforest Centre that will provide a world-class rainforest experience and enhanced access to the walking tracks and waterfalls.
Dorrigo Escarpment Great Walk
A challenging 46km 4-day walk along the rugged escarpment of the Great Dividing Range in Dorrigo and Bindarri national parks, including purpose-built low impact hiker camps, pedestrian swing bridges and lookouts.
Baliiga precinct plan
This precinct plan describes the proposal to rename and upgrade the current Never Never picnic area in Dorrigo National Park, including providing low-key overnight tent and vehicle-based camping.
The draft master plans balance conserving the parks’ significant values with existing and future visitation demands, by creating inspiring visitor experiences that connect people with nature and culture in a sustainable way.
Read the draft master plans
The draft master plans are available to view on the Department of Planning and Environment website or on public exhibition at:
- Dorrigo Rainforest Centre, 142 Dome Road, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453 from Friday 13 October 2023 to Saturday 13 January 2024.
- National Parks and Wildlife Service Coffs Coast office, 4/32 Edgar Street, Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450 from Friday 13 October 2023 to Monday 15 January 2024.
Have your say
Have your say by Monday 15 January 2024.
There are 4 ways you can submit your feedback.
Online consultation
Postal submission
Address: The project team, National Parks and Wildlife Service, PO Box 170, Dorrigo, NSW, 2453
Community meetings
Dorrigo Rainforest Centre
Address: 142 Dome Road, Dorrigo NSW 2453
Dorrigo Rainforest Centre
Address: 142 Dome Road, Dorrigo NSW 2453
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 1300 361 967
Agency Website
Consultation Website