Conservation action plans
What’s this about?
The Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water is seeking feedback on the draft conservation action plans for Assets of Intergenerational Significance.
One key action outlined in the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service Threatened Species Framework is the declaration of important areas of threatened species habitat in national parks as Assets of Intergenerational Significance.
An Asset of Intergenerational Significance can be any area of exceptional value – natural or cultural – that warrants special protection including dedicated management measures.
For each Asset of Intergenerational Significance, National Parks and Wildlife Service has a statutory obligation to prepare and implement a concise conservation action plan which sets out:
- key risks to the declared area of habitat for the threatened species
- priority actions to reduce risks to this important habitat – such as dedicated feral animal control or fire management, or the establishment of insurance populations
- actions to measure and report on the health/population of the threatened species (metrics).
Have your say
Have your say by Thursday 12 September 2024.
You can provide feedback in 3 ways.
Online consultation
Postal submission
Address: Manager, Threatened Species, Biodiversity and Ecological Health Branch Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water, Locked Bag 5022, Parramatta, NSW 2124.
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 1300 361 967
Agency Website
Consultation Website