Appin Road Safety Improvements
What’s this about?
Appin Road is a major arterial road supporting travel to and from the south-west Sydney region and Wollongong area. Transport is planning to deliver safety improvements along a 3.6km stretch on Appin Road in Gilead.
The proposal would provide safer trips for road users with wider lanes and shoulders.
It would also deliver important koala protection measures that are aligned with the 2 adjacent projects, Appin Road upgrade to the north and Brian Road Intersection to the south.
Subject to planning approval, construction is expected to start in early 2026 and take around 2 years to complete.
Have your say
Have your say by Thursday 15 August 2024.
You can provide your feedback in 3 ways.
Postal submission
Address: Appin Road Safety Improvements Addendum REF Transport for NSW PO Box 973 Parramatta CBD NSW 2124
Consultation period
More information
Email: Project team
Phone: 1800 684 490
Agency Website
Consultation Website