Somerville Park Improvement Project

Somerville Park Improvement Project, WestInvest

About the Project

The Somerville Park Improvement Project will promote healthy, active living and enhance social connection through increasing the quality and variety of offerings at the site. The project will deliver a district-scale accessible playground, circulation paths, multi-purpose sports court space, outdoor fitness equipment, park furniture and shaded areas.

Project Scope

  • District-scale accessible playground - Lighting to sports fields
  • Lighting for circulation path
  • Concrete seating edges - Small multi-purpose sports court space
  • Outdoor fitness equipment
  • Mass shade trees planting
  • Circulation path
  • Ecological restoration (creek stabilization, riparian planting)
  • Wayfinding and signage
  • New cricket pitch
  • Park furniture and landscaping

Fast Facts


NSW Government Funding: $4,570,103.00

Co-Contribution: $228,505.00

TOTAL PROJECT VALUE: $4,798,608.00


City of Parramatta Council

Aboriginal Land


Project Updates

Progress Summary


Next Steps


Image Gallery

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