Railway Street Upgrade Project

About the Project

The Railway Street Upgrade Project delivers a reconfigured layout, new street trees and street furniture to the pedestrian links between the Liverpool city centre and Liverpool Railway Station. The project beatifies and transforms the entire length of this key street into a pedestrian-friendly promenade, home to diverse businesses and Liverpool Public School.

Project Scope

The upgrade works feature:

  • New street trees and planting along the street, to increase canopy coverage and greenery and to improve the quality of pedestrian connections between the Liverpool Railway Station and core of the Liverpool City Centre;
  • A reconfigured street layout, including realigned kerb edges and build outs to enhance pedestrian safety and amenity;
  • New organised on-street carparking with street trees between car parking bays;
  • New high quality public domain treatments and infrastructure (e.g. furniture, fixtures and fittings), to enhance the streetscape character, and to improve pedestrian amenity;
  • New pedestrian priority crossings to improve connections and pedestrian safety;
  • An integrated Meet and Greet area on the footpath out the front of Liverpool Public School; and
  • Increased public domain, including more footpath space, open space and areas for outdoor dining and other activities to support local businesses and the Liverpool Public School.

Fast Facts


NSW Government Funding: $6,971,519.00

Co-Contribution: $200,000.00

TOTAL PROJECT VALUE: $7,171,519.00


Liverpool City Council

Aboriginal Land:


Project Updates

Progress Summary


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