Document library

Find important documents and resources related to the Western Sydney Infrastructure Grants Program (formerly known as WestInvest) fund including FAQs. guidelines and meeting recordings.

FAQs - Delivery Phase

Click below to view the Frequently Asked Questions page.

Community Project Grants - Recipient Details

Click below to find out more about the projects that have received funding as part of the $2 billion Community Project Grants program.

Have Your Say Survey

Residents were invited to submit ideas through a ‘Have Your Say’ survey on the NSW Government website between 23 February 2022 and 31 March 2022. The purpose of the survey was to capture ideas and gain feedback from Western Sydney residents about the infrastructure projects that would improve their local communities. More than 5,400 people submitted a survey, with 11,336 ideas generated.

The WestInvest Program Office has undertaken an analysis of the feedback and ideas presented in the surveys against the WestInvest Program Guidelines.

Community members provided diverse suggestions, ranging from indoor sports facilities, tree planting, swimming pools and multicultural food precincts, to boat ramps and playgrounds.

Read the WestInvest 'Have Your Say' Report.

Liveability in Western Sydney Report

In January 2022, the NSW Government commissioned the Centre for Western Sydney (Western Sydney University) to undertake a review of existing measures of liveability in Western Sydney and identify how the WestInvest Program is likely to have an impact.

There are many different ways to describe liveability and the WestInvest Program is expected to have a key transformational impact in the areas of green infrastructure and public open space, community infrastructure and walkability.

The study identified a total of 14 liveability metrics where data is available at the LGA level, enabling comparisons between the 15 LGAs of the WestInvest Program and the rest of the Greater Sydney Region. These findings have been presented in easy to access profiles for each of the Program’s 15 LGAs, along with the most recently available socio- demographic population statistics from the 2021 Census. 

The Report and its findings are being used to inform the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation framework for the WestInvest Program.

Click here to read the Liveability in Western Sydney Report (PDF 5.08MB)

Local Government Allocation 

The following resources were provided to applicants preparing applications for the Community Project Grants – Local Government Round:

Competitive Round

The following resources were provided to applicants preparing applications for the Community Project Grants – Competitive Round:

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