Visual Arts Fellowship (Emerging) – supporting information
Information about what happens after your application is submitted for Visual Arts Fellowship (Emerging) 2023/24 and support and contacts available at Create NSW.
After the application is submitted
Once you submit your application, you'll receive an email confirmation from our secure online grants system, SmartyGrants.
Create NSW has the discretion to accept late applications only where it would not compromise the integrity and competitiveness of the process.
Your application will be checked for eligibility.
If eligible, your application will proceed to the 2-stage assessment process.
If your application is deemed ineligible, you will be advised via email within 14 days of the round closing, and your application will not proceed to the next stage.
Note: You can withdraw your application at any time by emailing your name and application number.
All applications submitted to the NSW Visual Arts Fellowship (Emerging) will be assessed by a panel comprising:
- members of the Create NSW’s Visual Arts Board
- epresentatives from Artspace
- the previous 2022-2023 fellowship recipient.
The assessment panel assessment scores will be amalgamated and presented at the assessment meeting to determine a shortlist of applicants.
Create NSW may, at its sole discretion, and at any stage of the application process, do all or any of the following:
- require additional information from an applicant
- change the scope of the requirements of these guidelines
- vary, amend (including by replacement), or terminate the application process
- re-open an application after the closing date, provided it doesn’t give the applicant an advantage over other applicants
- consider any non-conforming or late application.
The assessment panel will review the artist’s work after it is installed in the exhibition. The panel will interview shortlisted applicants before the exhibition opens to determine the successful recipient.
Application outcome
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their applications under embargo by late November 2023.
Under embargo means that applicants are notified but they cannot publicise the outcome until the official announcement has been made by the Minister for the Arts or by Create NSW.
Note: The embargo period is taken seriously and failure to comply may impact your current or future funding eligibility.
If your application is successful, you will be sent a funding agreement/letter of offer (contract) that outlines the conditions of funding, how you will be paid and grant reporting requirements.
Payment will not be made until any Create NSW outstanding acquittals have been submitted.
Refer to contracts and payments information for the process regarding successful applications.
Acknowledgement of Create NSW support
As a successful applicant of government funding, you will be expected to acknowledge the funding support from Create NSW in all publications, promotion and advertising materials, public announcements, and activities.
For more information, please read Create NSW Logo Guidelines and contact Melissa Keogh, Designer for a copy of the logo package.
All applicants will be offered an opportunity to seek application feedback within a one-month period of receiving the notification outcome.
Create NSW staff will provide a general summary of the funding round, application feedback and future funding opportunities, this will be provided via a call or an online meeting via Picktime.
Support and contact
Create NSW is committed to inclusion and diversity and continues to apply practices that facilitate ease-of access to applicants wishing to apply.
Contact Create NSW arts funding team for help with:
- understanding the guidelines for this grant
- submitting an application in a way that is accessible to you
- arranging an interpreting service for people applying in a language other than English
- arranging an Auslan interpreter service
- arranging a National Relay call.
Phone: (02) 9228 4578
If you or anyone on your creative team are d/Deaf, hard of hearing or who have a speech impairment and need to communicate over the phone, assistance is provided by National Relay Service.
Note: To use the National Relay Service, you will need to register first, so you can make and receive calls.
The National Relay Service numbers are:
- TTY users: Phone 133 677 then ask for (02) 9228 4578
- Speak and Listen users: Phone 1300 555 727 then ask for (02) 9228 4578.
You may also contact Accessible Arts, the peak arts and disability organisation for NSW:
- Phone: (02) 9251 6499
- Email:
If English is your second/third language and you would like to speak to Create NSW staff about the guidelines or application form, we can arrange an interpreting service to support this communication.
Contact us between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday:
- Phone: (02) 9228 4578.
- Email:
Create NSW has provided the following documents to help you with your funding application:
Create NSW staff are available to provide information to applicants on the interpretation of these Guidelines, including the types of eligible projects for funding and advice on the application process.
Create NSW staff are here to help you and can be contacted between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday (excluding Public Holidays) via:
- Phone: (02) 9228 4578
- Scheduling an online meeting to speak to Create staff through Picktime
- Create NSW website – Arts Funding team
- Email:
Regional NSW applicants can also contact their local Regional Arts Development Organisation for assistance with applications.
Create NSW acknowledges cultural business through the NSW Aboriginal Arts and Cultural Protocols in support of a strong and vibrant Aboriginal cultural sector. Create NSW supports the priorities of First Nations self-determination, cultural integrity and agency while continuing the management, maintaining and preservation of their arts and cultural practices.
The NSW Aboriginal Arts and Culture Protocols is a best practice guide for all artists, groups and organisations that have Aboriginal cultural content within their projects.
The 5 principles
- Cultural authority and agency
- Where does the ownership lie within the project and who controls the direction that the project takes?
- Recognising rights and maintaining culture
- Are the rights of people being acknowledged and protected?
- Prior informed consent and consultation
- Are Aboriginal people being engaged in the right way and are their wishes being observed?
- Integrity of Aboriginal Culture
- Is cultural knowledge and information being respected and managed in the right way?
- Attribution and sharing benefits
- Are the right people getting the benefits?
The NSW Aboriginal Arts and Culture Protocols (PDF 3.6MB) have been developed as a living document, Create NSW will continue to work with the NSW Aboriginal arts and cultural sector to update the protocols to remain current and ensuring continual growth.
The NSW Government is committed to ensuring fair access by all communities and individuals across the state. Create NSW prioritises proposals that provide high-quality activity, respectful engagement, and participation with and for the following groups:
- NSW Aboriginal people
- people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) backgrounds
- people with disability and/or who are d/Deaf
- young people under the age of 25
- people living and/or working in regional NSW
- people living and/or working in Western Sydney.
For further information on:
- complaints process
- privacy policy
- Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009
visit the Create NSW website.