This grant was launched in early 2024 to fund road safety treatments. $91.8 million of funding is available to councils across NSW.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $10,000,000
- Application opened: 4 March 2024
- Application closed: 9 May 2024
Program objective
The outcomes and objectives of the program are to:
Deliver lifesaving road safety treatments on remote, regional, and urban roads.
Implement treatments that deliver improved Road Safety Outcomes linked to the National Road Safety Strategy 2021-30 and the National Road Safety Action Plan 2023-25, as well as the NSW Governments Road Safety Action Plan 2026. The goal of this Program is to reduce fatal injuries by 50 per cent and serious injuries by 30 per cent on NSW roads by 2030.
Improve risk ratings on roads to a minimum of ‘three-star’ rating on high-risk highways and arterial roads.
Improved protection for vulnerable road users, particularly on urban footpaths, shared pathways, cycleways and road crossings.
This Program contains 4 sub-programs:
School Zone Infrastructure sub-program
Heavy Vehicle Rest Area sub-program – State roads only
Walking and Cycling Infrastructure sub-program
Pedestrian Protection sub-program.
Program guidelines can be found at the Road Safety program website.
This program is administered by Transport for NSW.
This program is funded by Australian Government and Transport for NSW.
All councils in NSW including unincorporated areas in far west NSW and Lord Howe Island are eligible.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Eligible projects include but are not limited to:
Regional/rural areas:
physical barrier installation to prevent run-off-road and head–on crashes
shoulder sealing and widening
installation of wide centre line and audio tactile line marking.
Urban areas:
roundabouts and raised intersections
raised wombat crossings and other traffic calming infrastructure
shared pathway and separated cycling infrastructure.
Eligible works for the School Infrastructure sub-program include:
installing raised zebra crossings (wombat crossings), marked foot crossings (zebra crossings), and Children's Crossings, as well as kerb extensions, pram ramps, pedestrian refuges, fencing, and lighting.
other eligible projects include speed control devices like speed humps, footpaths, shared paths, and the construction of school drop-off pick-up zones or bus bays.
Eligible works for the Walking and Cycling Infrastructure sub-program include:
installation of shared pathways, separated footpaths, and cycleways
provided it connects with the work listed above, the following can also be included:
installation of raised zebra crossings (wombat crossings), marked foot crossings (zebra crossings), kerb extensions, pedestrian refuges, pedestrian fencing, pram ramps, and kerb and gutter, provided they connect with the above facilities.
What can’t you apply for
Ineligible works include but are not limited to:
stand-alone planning and design only proposals
maintenance projects - there must be a safety benefit upgrade
projects where works have already started or are scheduled to start, including tenders, which must not have been awarded before Australian Government approval.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
The Australian Government Guidelines and NSW Supplementary Guidelines can be found at the Road Safety program website.
High-quality submissions with complete information and all supporting evidence are essential.
During the integrity review applicants will be contacted if information is missing that could make an application ineligible.
Short turnaround times apply, and delays may result in projects not being considered.
All applications must be submitted through the Safer Roads Portal.
Applicants must provide supporting evidence such as site sketches/plans and a breakdown of cost estimates. The Portal will prompt applicants to attach these documents where necessary.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified
Program evaluation
Please refer to the Australian Government Guidelines and the NSW Supplementary Guidelines.