The Riverina LLS Threatened Species and Ecosystems program for 2024/25 will encompass funding received from the NSW Environmental Trust for the implementation of the Box Gum Grassy Woodland, Black Falcon, Greater Glider and Squirrel Glider projects.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $10,560
- Application opened: 1 September 2024
- Application closed: 31 December 2024
Program objective
The purpose of this program is to assist the NSW Environmental Trust - Restoration and Rehabilitation and Environmental Education programs that contribute to the ongoing sustainable management and stewardship of significant environmental assets and services in New South Wales.
The objectives of the program are to:
- improve and protect the quality of ecosystems and environmental assets managed by community groups, land managers and stakeholders.
- enhance the management of environmental assets by facilitating the development of environmental expertise and stronger partnerships between individuals, community groups, governments and industry.
- provide an appropriate, effective, and sustainable mechanism to deliver government policy, priorities and outcomes.
- develop, broaden and transform the community's knowledge, skills, and intrinsic motivation to engage in sustainable behaviour and encourage participation in protecting the environment.
This program is administered by Local Land Services and NSW Environmental Trust.
This program is funded by Local Land Services.
Applications are invited from landholders located within the priority areas shown in Appendix A.
If you are NOT the owner of the property (i.e., a manager or custodian), you can submit an EOI on behalf of the property owner/s, however you will need written support of all the owners.
To be eligible for grant funding, the property/project must meet the following requirements:
- Project is located on private land and falls under the operational area of the Riverina Local Land Services.
- Works are located within the defined project areas. (Appendix A).
- The project aligns with the program purpose and objectives.
- The landholder / occupier does not have any incomplete or unacquitted projects with Riverina Local Land Services.
- The landholder/occupier does not have any overdue debts with Local Land Services.
- The landholder/occupier is willing to enter into a funding deed with Riverina Local Land Services for a period of up to 10 years.
- Only one project will be funded per eligible applicant. Landholders may apply for more than one project however, if multiple projects are deemed eligible then the landholder must decide which one is their priority for this financial year.
Who can apply
To be eligible for grant funding, an applicant must meet each of the following requirements:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or be able to complete a Statement by a Supplier form.
- hold or commit to obtaining public liability insurance of $10 million or more per occurrence or hold equivalent or better self-insurance to the satisfaction of the Riverina Local Land Services, prior to executing a Funding Deed.
- be a landowner, or have the permission of the landowner, of private land within the priority project areas and falls under the operational area of the Riverina Local Land Services.
Ineligible project activities
- Works considered a normal obligation of the landholder (e.g., fencing repairs purchase of equipment or materials for normal property management).
- Projects that are considered to be wholly of private benefit.
- Boundary fences.
- Maintenance carried out on land not subject to a preexisting agreement.
- Work required by reason of legal obligations being placed on the property or landholder (e.g., regulation, statutory responsibility, consent conditions, covenants, compliance notices, court orders, set aside arrangements or existing landholder agreements/funding deeds).
Please note that proposing an eligible activity does not guarantee that your application will be successful. Your project will be assessed against the essential criteria in this document. It will need to meet a minimum benchmark and be compared with other applications
Eligible project activities
- Installing nest boxes in areas where natural hollows are absent or in short supply.
- Revegetation to connect remnant habitat through fencing, site preparation and revegetation.
- Protecting and enhancing habitat, including individual paddock trees through fencing, infill planting and establishing individual paddock trees
- Pest & weed control targeting priority pest plants and animals impacting on the threatened species.
What your application needs to include
Visit to submit an expression of interest (EOI application) to the Riverina LLS Threatened Species and Ecosystems program. The information required will include the name and address and contact details of the applicant, the property owners (if different), location of the project site, any ABN linked to the property or the owner. It will also require a brief description of the proposed project. All applicants are required to submit a conflict-of-interest declaration.
Information provided in the EOI application can be used in subsequent rounds. Applicants can also register willingness to apply for future Riverina Local Land Services programs.
Start the application
Applications for this grant are available via the Grants portal.
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: The decision maker for the Grant is the General Manger of Riverina Local Land Services. The decision maker will review the availability of grant funds and the Assessment Panel’s recommendation before deciding which grant applications to approve. The decision maker may take other factors into account that may make an application ineligible for funding, including issues that could create significant risks to the NSW Government. Ineligible applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application.
After the closing date Riverina Local Land Services NRM grant program team will undertake an initial assessment of applications to determine eligibility for the program. Following the initial eligibility assessment, eligible applicants will be contacted by Riverina Local Land Services staff and invited to submit an online project proposal.
Once the project proposal form has been received, an Officer from Riverina LLS will contact the Landholder for the purpose of conducting a property visit/site assessment, and the collection of additional data to be used during the assessment process.
Support and contact
Contact: Cherie White, Senior Land Services Officer - NRM
Phone: 0427 407 126
Program evaluation
Contact: Fin Martin, Manager Land Services
Phone: 0418 402 572