Key information
- Status: Open
- Grant amount: From $250,000 to $5,000,000
- Application opened: 6 December 2024
- Application closes: 20 February 2025, 5:00 pm
Program objective
The $50 million program is funded under the Regional Development Trust and will support initiatives that promote regional economic development and contribute to job creation and retention aligned with the Trust’s key focus areas:
- Aboriginal economic development and enterprise
- Community connection and capacity building
- Improving regional service delivery
- Sustainable regional industries.
Within each key focus area, applications may be submitted for:
- infrastructure projects
- services and program delivery.
Please refer to the Program Guidelines for the minimum and maximum funding amounts for applications.
Individual applicants may submit a maximum of one application for an infrastructure project and one application for a services and program delivery project.
We recommend you read the Program Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions.
Supporting documents for applicants include a Landowner Consent template, a Business Case template and a Project Management Plan template.
This program is administered by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development.
Who can apply
Eligible applicants must be one of the following entities:
- a company incorporated in Australia
- an incorporated association or co-operative
- a Local Government organisation (Committees under section 355 of the Local Government Act 1993 (NSW) must apply via the relevant council)
- a NSW Joint Organisation of Councils or a Regional Organisation of Councils
- a Regional Development Australia Committee
- an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006
- a Local Aboriginal Land Council
- the Lord Howe Island Board or an Unincorporated Far West Group including RDA Far West (in their capacity as service providers for eligible locations not covered by a local government entity)
- an Australian university.
Eligible applicants must be able to provide evidence to demonstrate they:
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN)
- are financially solvent and not subject to any ongoing legal proceedings
- have at least $20 million public liability insurance or are willing to secure the insurance before entering into a funding deed if the application is successful.
Projects must be located in one of the 95 regional NSW Local Government Areas (LGAs), the Unincorporated Far West region or on Lord Howe Island. (See Appendix A of the guidelines for a detailed list of eligible locations). Projects located in the Sydney metropolitan area are ineligible.
Projects can be located on publicly owned land or on private land where there is a clear public benefit. If the applicant is not the owner of the land (or infrastructure) where the project will be located, landowner’s consent and/or access agreements will be required as part of the application.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Applicants must be able to demonstrate that the project:
- aligns with one of the Trust’s key focus areas
- aligns with one or more of the objects of the Regional Development Act 2004 as outlined within the guidelines
- has the required co-contribution, or has provided reasons why an exemption from the mandatory co-contribution is required
- will deliver regionally significant regional economic development outcomes, with regionally significant defined as improving outcomes in 2 or more LGAs. Exceptions can apply to remote and very remote areas or on a case-by-case basis. Please see Appendix A of the guidelines for a full list of remote and very remote areas.
In addition, infrastructure projects must provide the following:
- evidence that the project is investment ready demonstrated through a completed business case. The business case can be completed using either the template provided or in another format provided the necessary information is included
- all necessary project and planning approvals at the time of application, or evidence that action to secure the required approvals has commenced and that the project can be delivered within the specified timeframe. If all necessary approvals are not in place at the time an application is submitted, funding deeds for successful projects will not be established until any approvals required for the project to commence are secured. If approvals are not secured within 12 months of the applicant signing the confidentiality undertaking on the letter of conditional offer of funding, the offer may be withdrawn at the discretion of the department.
What costs you can apply for
Eligible project costs include:
- construction costs for infrastructure development, expansion or upgrades that would not be considered business-as-usual activities and operations
- project management and project assurance support, including employment of project managers either directly or through outsourcing to an external organisation, up to 10% of the total eligible project costs being claimed under the grant
- contingency costs of up to 25% of the total eligible project costs being claimed under the grant to allow for any cost escalations (the total of all eligible project costs, project management and contingency costs being claimed must be within the maximum grant amount for the project type)
- the purchase of equipment that relates specifically to the delivery of the service or program
- the employment of staff or service providers to deliver the service or program only for the duration of the project.
Who can’t apply
The following applicant types are not eligible to apply:
- individuals
- sole traders
- legally binding partnerships
- trusts.
What costs you can't apply for
Project costs that are not eligible for funding include:
- costs that would be considered business-as-usual activities and operations
- financing costs, including interest and debt financing
- information and communications technology (ICT) related costs that are not specifically related to the project and essential to its success
- costs related to rent and utilities unless specifically related to the project for the duration of the project
- development of strategies and reports
- insurance costs (applicants must hold and maintain adequate insurance coverage for any liability arising from their participation in the project)
- depreciation of plant and equipment
- buying or upgrading equipment that is not essential to the delivery of a service or program
- retrospective project costs already incurred prior to the executed funding agreement.
Example projects
- Enabling infrastructure to support the delivery of regionally significant economic opportunities, for example, enabling infrastructure for small-to-medium businesses, regional housing developments, research centres, start-up hubs and e-waste recycling centres.
- Tourism infrastructure which will generate regional tourism impact, for example, major nature-based tourism infrastructure, large scale event precincts and Aboriginal cultural centres.
- Regional airport upgrades and industrial precinct developments to service regional needs.
- Investment in capital works programs for existing businesses to generate employment growth.
Services and Programs
- Initiatives to support the attraction and retention of key workers into regional NSW.
- Tailored workforce skills development programs to support new and emerging industries including Aboriginal enterprises.
- Employment of a hub coordinator to coordinate the provision of community and health outreach services in rural and remote areas.
What co-contributions are required
Applications must include a cash co-contribution, with the exception of Aboriginal-owned organisations that can provide some or all of the required co-contribution in-kind. Co-contributions may include confirmed funding from the Australian Government. Funding received from the NSW Government cannot be included as part of the co-contribution requirement.
Required cash co-contribution
For-profit entities
A minimum of 50% of the requested funding
All other applicants
A minimum of 20% of the requested funding
Aboriginal-owned organisations
A minimum of 20% of the requested funding either in cash or in-kind.
Evidence of the co-contribution and applicant entity type must be provided as part of the application.
Aboriginal-owned organisations are defined as having a minimum of 50% Aboriginal ownership that can be demonstrated through recognition from an appropriate organisation such as:
- NSW Indigenous Chamber of Commerce
- Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations
- Supply Nation.
Aboriginal-owned organisations can also choose to provide a statutory declaration to demonstrate a minimum of 50% Aboriginal ownership.
Requests for an exemption from the mandatory co-contribution requirement may be considered in exceptional circumstances. Applicants wishing to claim an exemption will be required to provide details of their request as part of the application process.
Additional eligibility requirements
Compliance with the Regional Development Act 2004 (the Act).
Funding will only be provided for a purpose that is consistent with one or more objects of the Act:
(a) to promote economic and employment growth in regions in accordance with the principles of ecologically sustainable development
(b) to support sustainable economies a healthy environment and resilient communities in regions
(c) to support place-based solutions, targeted to the development problems of particular locations and developed in collaboration with the local community, that promote improved economic, environmental and social outcomes in regions
(d) to assist communities in regions to capitalise on regional strengths by supporting the diversification, adaptation and resilience of regional economies, including in relation to established and emerging primary and other industries
(e) to support the transition of communities affected by economic, environmental and social change
(f) to facilitate the economic and social development of Aboriginal communities and Aboriginal enterprises in regions
(g) to encourage cooperation in relation to the matters in paragraphs (a)–(f) among all tiers of government, including local government, the private sector and not-for-profit organisations.
Project feasibility
Projects that are assessed as eligible will be assessed to ensure the project is feasible and able to be delivered. Project feasibility will be assessed against the following criteria:
- provision of a realistic project budget with quotes, and/or detailed cost estimates
- provision of a detailed and realistic project management plan demonstrating the project can be completed in the required timeframe
- provision of a feasible and sustainable proposed operating model
- demonstrated project management experience and capacity (or ability access the necessary expertise and support) to deliver the project
- provision of a detailed risk management plan with risk mitigation strategies.
What your application needs to include
Prepare your application with this checklist
What needs to be included in an application?
- a completed business case (for infrastructure projects)
- a detailed project management plan
- a detailed project budget
- a detailed risk management plan
- landowner’s consent using the template provided (if required)
- evidence of the required co-contribution for the project
- letters and comparable evidence of support for the project (if applicable).
Address the eligibility criteria
Each applicant, as part of an application response, must confirm that they meet the eligibility criteria.
Applicants that do not address the eligibility criteria in full may be excluded from the application process at the department's discretion.
Address the assessment criteria
Strategic alignment
Aligns with the Trust’s key focus areas and relevant regional strategies, policies and plans
Applications will be reviewed considering the following:
- alignment with the Trust’s key focus areas
- evidence of a demonstrated need in the project location and a clear explanation of how the project will address this need
- evidence of community support for the project
- alignment with other relevant NSW Government strategies, policies or plans.
Value for money
Demonstrates value for money with preference given to proposals that enable co-contribution and partnership
Applications will be reviewed considering the following:
- the potential for the project to deliver long-term economic benefits
- whether the project is likely to proceed without NSW Government investment
- any financial co-contribution in addition to the minimum requirement
- evidence of partnership or collaboration to deliver the project.
Economic benefit
Demonstrates economic benefit through productivity improvements and/or by addressing impediments to regional economic growth
Applications will be reviewed considering the following:
- facilitate productivity improvements for new or existing industry or other economic benefits
- enable or bring forward investment in regional economic development
- address impediments to regional economic growth through investment in capital works and/or programs
- encourage regional employment growth or retention.
Regional distribution and project type
Facilitates a balanced approach to regional economic development that contributes to a diversity of project types across rural and regional NSW
Applications will be reviewed considering the following:
- the existing funding round and previous investments made by the Trust
- other sources of investment dedicated to regional economic development by the government, not-for-profit or private sectors.
Start the application
The program is a single stage application process. All applicants are required to submit the application documents in the online portal.
Applications cannot be reopened or amended by the applicant once the closing date has passed. Acceptance of late submissions will be at the sole discretion of the department.
How to apply
Applicants must apply via SmartyGrants by clicking the ‘apply now' button on the program’s Grants and Funding Finder website.
Note: If you are a new applicant to SmartyGrants, you will need to register and create a password. If you are already registered, you can log in with your existing username and password.
Apply now
After the application is submitted
Successful applications will be decided by: the Minister for Regional NSW
Stage 1. Preliminary assessment
Eligibility assessment
The department will assess all submitted applications against the eligibility criteria identified in the guidelines. Where there is uncertainty or unintended outcomes arising from the eligibility requirements, the department will take a discretionary approach that, in its opinion, best achieves the objectives of the program.
Final eligibility determinations will be made at the discretion of the department.
Any ineligible applications received will not be considered for further assessment.
Feasibility assessment
The department will then assess all eligible applications against the feasibility criteria.
Other subject matter experts and/or technical advisors may be consulted to assist in the assessment of projects (if required). Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process.
Only projects that score over 70% or higher on the feasibility assessment can undergo merit-based assessment
Stage 2. Merit-based assessment and recommendation
The Regional Development Advisory Council is an independent body appointed by the Minister for Regional NSW to provide advice on regional investment to ensure the interests of regional communities are at the centre of government decision making.
The department will undertake an initial merit-based assessment for applications that have been determined as eligible and feasible as part of the preliminary assessment stage. The initial merit-based assessment outcomes will be provided to the Regional Development Advisory Council for review.
The department may seek additional information to assist in the merit-based assessment process. The department will notify applicants if additional information and supporting material is required and the timeframes in which it is required.
Other subject matter experts and/or technical advisors may be consulted to assist in the assessment of projects (if required). Confidentiality will be maintained throughout the process.
Following completion of the assessment process, the department will provide the eligibility and merit-based assessment outcomes and the recommendations of the Regional Development Advisory Council to the Minister for Regional NSW for final funding decisions.
The Regional Development Advisory Council may recommend partial funding for projects where only a component of the project is considered suitable and eligible. The Regional Development Advisory Council may also recommend specific funding condition(s), where appropriate.
The Regional Development Advisory Council can take the following broader factors into consideration when recommending projects as suitable for funding:
- total amount of funding available
- other factors that are deemed relevant and important in a local or whole of NSW context.
Advice may also be sought from other NSW Government agencies or other sources (such as probity advisors).
Information on investments from the Trust will be included in the Annual Report, including where the decision-maker has departed from the recommendations of the Regional Development Advisory Council or the department.
Stage 3. Decision making
The final decision maker is the Minister for Regional NSW.
The department will provide the decision maker with the eligibility and merit-based assessment outcomes and the Regional Development Advisory Council’s recommendations before deciding which applications to approve. The NSW Government typically receives far more applications than it can support. Applicants are not guaranteed funding even if the application is of high merit.
Further, even if an application is successful, it may not be funded to the full amount requested.
The decision maker may take other factors into account that may result in an application being considered unsuitable for funding, including issues that could cause reputational or other risks to the NSW Government.
In limited circumstances, the decision maker may waive selection criteria, for example, where not doing so would lead to perverse or unfair outcomes; be contrary to the policy intent; or damage the reputation and integrity of the program.
The decision maker’s decision is final in all matters, including:
- the approval of the grant
- the grant funding amount to be awarded
- the terms and conditions of the grant.
Anticipated assessment outcome date is from 26 May 2025 or as soon as possible after a decision has been made
Anticipated date for funding deed execution with successful applicants is after the department has received a signed letter of conditional offer and confidentiality agreement