Recovery from the 2019/20 bushfires

Targeted support to meet the recovery needs of communities and industries affected by the 2019/20 bushfires in NSW.

Bushfire regrowth on burnt trees

Approximately $4.4 billion has been committed to the bushfire response, recovery and preparedness efforts in NSW, including $3 billion from the NSW Government. 

As part of this, the Department of Regional NSW rolled out targeted initiatives and investments to support recovery, generate jobs, and build more resilient communities and industries in the regions most impacted by the devastating 2019/20 bushfires. 

The three key programs delivered in partnership with NSW Reconstruction Authority are: 

  1. The Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER) Package – more than $500 million co-funded with the Australian government.

    The BLER Fund is supporting 195 local community projects that promote economic or social recovery, strengthen resilience and deliver ongoing community benefit. 
  2. Bushfire Industry Recovery Package (BIRP) - Supply Chain Support Grants – $65.8 million and Sector Development Grants – $72.3 million co-funded with the Australian government under the BLER Fund. 

    The Bushfire Industry Recovery Package (BIRP) was established to provide immediate financial assistance and support to targeted primary industries that were significantly impacted by the 2019/20 bushfires. 
  3. Bushfire Community Resilience and  Recovery Fund – Phase 1 and Phase 2 – more than $7.5 million co-funded with the Australian government, the Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund targeted Local Government Areas that were disaster-declared during the 2019-20 bushfires with funding for medium and long-term projects to support community recovery and help build resilience and hope for the future. 

The department and Public Works also coordinated the Bushfire Clean-up Program; clearing over 3,600 properties. 

More than 600 grants funded 

The interactive map below shows the diverse community, infrastructure and industry projects already being supported by the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER) Fund, Bushfire Industry Recovery Package and Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund.

Key Dates

Bushfire Local Economic Fund 

Applications open:  Tuesday 27 October 2020 

Applications closed:  2pm Thursday 28 January 2021 

Bushfire Industry Recovery Package 

Applications open:  Tuesday 19 May 2020 

Applications closed:  5pm Friday 17 July 2020 

Bushfire Community Resilience and Recovery Fund 

Phase 1 –  Applications closed:  30 April 2020 

Phase 2 -  

  • Stream 1 - Applications closed:  Tuesday 27 October 2020
  • Stream 2 - Applications closed:  Friday 11 December 2020


The following resources and tools are available to support applicants with their submissions. Detailed information about eligibility, funding categories and how to apply can be found in the grant guidelines for each stream.  


BLER Program Guidelines (PDF 7.53MB)

See our success stories

The Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund is helping communities across New South Wales to recover from the Black Summer bushfires and to build resilience and prepare for future natural disasters. 

Here are some of the success stories the program has delivered.

Snowy Valleys

From bringing an apple cider bottling project home to Batlow and securing accommodation for the region’s itinerant workers to creating a beautiful sculpture trail to capture the imagination of tourists, here are some of the projects the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund has supported in the Snowy Valleys region. 


Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund - Snowy Valleys


The Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund is supporting recovery in Northern NSW through a range of projects including a timber business development and a biodiversity program helping to rejuvenate fire damaged natural environment. The program is also supporting recreational opportunities with the rebuilding of a major mountain bike park. 


Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund - North Coast

South Coast

With its coastline stretching more than 400 kilometres in length, the South Coast region of NSW offers a lot to see in do for both visitors and locals. Here’s how the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund is investing in the South Coast’s recovery.


Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund - South Coast

Credit for bushfire vision: NSW Rural Fire Service.

Credit for banner image: Robert Walwyn took this photo at Bells Line of Road, Bilpin, after the bushfires. He sold the print for $500 and then donated the money to the Blue Mountains Bushfire Mayoral Relief Fund.

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