Growing the capacity of Landcare across NSW by employing local and regional Landcare coordinators to implement strategies and care for the local environment and agricultural systems.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Prescribed allocations of funding have been assigned to each Local Land Services region and are provided in the program guidelines.
- Application opened: 9 October 2023
- Application closed: 3 November 2023
Program objective
The objective of the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027: Local and Regional Coordinators (the Program) is to facilitate the employment of local and regional Landcare coordinators and regional administration support officers in 11 NSW Local Land Services regions.
These roles will grow and strengthen the capacity of Landcare NSW groups to care for the local natural environment and agricultural systems by:
- increasing the capacity of Landcarers to produce effective outcomes by developing their knowledge, skills and experience
- improving the efficiency of Landcare groups and networks by increasing the volume of Landcare activity relative to resource inputs, and
- increasing the self-sufficiency of Landcare groups and networks through leveraging investment to activate a diverse range of funding sources.
These objectives will be facilitated through the employment of local and regional Landcare coordinators and regional administration support officers in each Local Land Service region across NSW to implement strategies to drive these outcomes.
Please refer to the Program guidelines (PDF 260.07KB) and Frequently asked questions for more information.
This program is administered by Department of Regional NSW.
This program is funded by Local Land Services.
Who can apply
Eligible applicants must:
- be a Landcare NSW member organisation (currently paid) or a regional Landcare NSW body as listed in Schedule 1 of the Constitution Landcare NSW Limited (27 July 2022)
- be an incorporated entity or company limited by guarantee
- be located within 1 of the 11 Local Land Services regions
- have $20 million of public liability insurance or are willing to obtain this before entering a funding deed, and
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
Who can’t apply
Ineligible applicants include:
- Landcare NSW Ltd
- Landcare Australia Ltd
- Landcare groups not based in NSW
- local councils or joint organisations of councils or Section 355 committees
- public or private universities
- government agencies or entities
- individuals
- unincorporated associations and organisations, and
- for profit private enterprise businesses.
Types of projects funded under this grant
Up to $33.12 million is available from the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027: Local and Regional Coordinators to eligible applicants/host organisations to employ up to a total of 83 FTE roles comprising up to:
- up to 72 FTE local Landcare coordinators (DOCX 111.58KB)
- up to 11 FTE regional Landcare coordinators (DOCX 115.36KB)
- up to 5.5 FTE regional administration support officers (DOCX 111.69KB).
Successful applicants can use funding provided under the Program to meet the employment costs for these roles (remuneration, superannuation, leave entitlements, annual leave loading and workers compensation) up to 30 June 2027.
Funding can also be used to cover operational costs that will support the employment of these roles, up to a maximum of 10% of grant funding. Eligible operational costs include:
- phone and internet usage
- travel expenses
- administrative expenses (for example, bookkeeping, insurance, audit, human resources etc), and/or
- capital expenditure (limited to $5000 per item).
What can’t you apply for
Funding from the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027: Local and Regional Coordinators cannot be used in situations when:
- the applicants requests funding for less than 0.5 FTE per role. FTE may be split (e.g. 2 employees sharing either a regional or local Landcare coordinator position at 0.5 FTE each). FTE cannot be split across different role types
- the Applicant cannot commence employment of the role(s) specified in these Guidelines within 6 months of funding deed execution
- the Applicant has, or is receiving, other grant funding, including from another NSW Government source, for the same costs over the same period
- the funded roles do not intend to deliver their primary benefits within their host organisation’s region
- a regional host organisation does not already have, or has not requested funding for, a regional Landcare coordinator, and/or
- a local host organisation has requested funding for a regional Landcare coordinator and/or regional administration support officer.
Funding from the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027: Local and Regional Coordinators also cannot be used for:
- activities associated with the day-to-day core business of NSW Landcare
- capital expenditure above $5,000 per item
- the repayment of existing debts or budget deficits
- administrative and operational costs not related to the roles
- staff wages, salaries and/or employment costs for roles other than those specified under the Program
- vehicle usage or hire not directly attributable to the Program
- fixed or non-fixed equipment
- costs incurred in the preparation of an application to this program or related documentation
- costs that require recurrent or ongoing funding from the NSW Government
- costs relating solely to marketing, advertising (other than for recruitment purposes for the Program), or product promotion, including education and information campaigns
- costs for the implementation and delivery of other funded projects (including from another NSW Government source) by the roles specified in the program guidelines (PDF 260.07KB), or
- costs already funded by other grant funding.
Most recent recipients
What your application needs to include
Applications for the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027: Local and Regional Coordinators program must provide proof of eligibility, as well as other supporting documents to demonstrate that the proposal meets the Program’s merit assessment criteria.
Prepare your application with this checklist
To be considered eligible for funding under the NSW Landcare Enabling Program 2023-2027: Local and Regional Coordinators, applications must include proof:
- of incorporation or company limited by guarantee, such as an incorporation number and/or certificate of incorporation or registration
- that the applicant is a Landcare group or network in NSW
- that the applicant is a Landcare NSW member organisation (currently paid) or a regional Landcare NSW body as listed in Schedule 1 of the Constitution Landcare NSW Limited (27 July 2022)
- that the applicant is located within one of the 11 Local Land Services regions
- of holding $20 million Public Liability Insurance for the term of the funding deed in the name of the Applicant
- that the applicant is financially viable and able to demonstrate that it is likely to remain so over the term of the funding deed, and
- that the applicant has an ABN.
To support claims made against the merit assessment criteria, applicants should provide the following supporting documents (where applicable):
- a program plan for the employment of the proposed roles
- a program budget up to 30 June 2027
- governance documents such as the Applicant’s constitution, governance structure and/or governance policies and procedures
- completion or milestone reports from other funded projects
- recent financial reports
- quotes or estimates of eligible project costs required to support the employment of the role, and/or
- estimates of eligible add-on employment on-costs such superannuation, workers compensation, leave loading etc.
Address the eligibility criteria
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicants must provide evidence they meet all the following criteria:
- be an incorporated entity or company limited by guarantee
- be a Landcare group or network in NSW
- be a Landcare NSW member organisation (currently paid) or a regional Landcare NSW body as listed in Schedule 1 of the Constitution Landcare NSW Limited (27 July 2022)
- are located within 1 of the 11 Local Land Services regions
- have $20 million of public liability insurance or willing to obtain before entering a funding deed, and
- have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
Eligible Costs
Only the following project costs will be considered eligible for funding:
- employment costs such as remuneration, superannuation, leave entitlements, annual leave loading and workers compensation up to 30 June 2027 for the roles specified
- a one-off 2.5% adjustment for FY2023-24
- operational costs up to a maximum of 10% of grant funding, including:
- phone and internet usage
- travel expenses
- administrative expenses (for example, office accommodation, bookkeeping, insurance, audit, human resources)
- Professional development expenses, up to $5,000 per local and regional coordinator role over the employment period.
- Successful applicants will need to demonstrate a direct link between the skills and experience obtained and the expected capabilities of the roles.
Address the assessment criteria
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed against the following merit assessment criteria and given a score out of 100:
- local need and impact (up to 30 points)
- strategic regional alignment (up to 30 points)
- deliverability and affordability (up to 30 points)
- improved outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (up to 5 points)
- inclusion and accessibility (up to 5 points)
1. Demonstrated local need and impact (up to 30 points)
Applicants will be assessed on demonstrated local need and impact. To support their application applicants should outline:
- projects completed or underway that would have benefited from greater coordination
- unmet needs of the Landcare community and how the roles will deliver primary benefits within their region
- identify what partnerships and collaborations are needed to achieve Landcare outcomes
- strategies to enhance community and volunteer engagement in Landcare NSW activities, and
- strategies to avoid or minimise duplication of effort with similar programs implemented by other organisations.
2. Strategic regional alignment (up to 30 points)
Applicants will be assessed on strategic regional alignment. To support their application applicants should outline how they will:
- deliver the key objectives of the Program
- align effort to relevant regional plans such as the Local Land Services Local Strategic and Landcare regional plans, and/or
- align to Landcare NSW Key Focus Areas for the region.
3. Deliverability and affordability (up to 30 points)
Deliverability (up to 15 points)
Applicants will be assessed on deliverability. To support their application applicants should outline:
- their ability to employ, host and manage staff up until 30 June 2027
- the organisations good governance
- their financial viability, and
- that they can/will commence employment of the role(s) specified in the Program Guidelines (PDF 260.07KB) within 6 months of funding deed execution.
Affordability (up to 15 points)
Applicants will be assessed on affordability. To support their application applicants should provide:
- a program budget up to 30 June 2027
- quotes or estimates of items required to support the employment of the proposed roles (for example, IT equipment, travel costs, office expenses), and
- estimates of salary on-costs including superannuation, workers compensation, leave loading etc.
4. Improved outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people (up to 5 points)
The NSW Government prioritises valuing and embedding Aboriginal cultural knowledge in land management and strengthening the economic independence of Aboriginal people through increased employment. Central to achieving these outcomes is the establishment and nurturing of meaningful relationships with Aboriginal people and Country.
Eligible applicants are encouraged to actively support engagement with local Aboriginal people, their cultural management of Country and participation in Landcare NSW activities.
Applicants will be assessed on improved outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Applicants should demonstrate:
- consideration of specific strategies to attract and employ Aboriginal people to the roles specified in the Program Guidelines (PDF 260.07KB), and
- strategies for engaging with and supporting local and regional Aboriginal groups in Landcare activities.
5. Inclusion and accessibility (up to 5 points)
The NSW Government is committed to providing dignified and equitable inclusion to social, environmental and community programs and employment opportunities to people with disability.
Eligible applicants must be equal opportunity employers and provide support to people with inclusion and accessibility needs.
Applicants will be assessed on improved inclusion and accessibility outcomes. Applicants should demonstrate:
- consideration of how they will employ specific strategies to attract and employ people with a disability to the roles specified in these Guidelines, and
- strategies for engaging with and supporting people with disability to participate in Landcare activities.
Supporting evidence
Applicants must provide evidence to support their application and claims against the Program’s merit assessment criteria. Multiple forms of evidence will score favourably in the assessment. Examples of supporting evidence include:
- letters of support from local and regional stakeholders
- documented partnerships and collaborations
- strategic documents
- program plan for the employment of the proposed roles
- program budget up to 30 June 2027
- completion or milestone reports from other funded projects
- governance documents such as its constitution, governance structure, governance policies and procedures
- recent financial reports
- quotes or estimates of eligible items required to support the employment, and/or
- estimates of eligible add-on employment costs such superannuation, workers compensation, leave loading etc.
Program resources
- Program guidelines (PDF 260.07KB)
- Budget template (XLSX 33.83KB)
- Program plan template (XLSX 206.45KB)
- Regional Landcare Coordinator position description (DOCX 115.36KB)
- Local Landcare Coordinator position description (DOCX 111.58KB)
- Regional Administration Support Officer position description (DOCX 111.69KB)
- Sample funding deed (PDF 951.59KB)
- Frequently asked questions
Start the application
The Program will be a single stage application process. Applicants are required to submit their application and supporting documents into the Program’s online portal.
All supporting information provided must match the name of the Applicant.
Applications cannot be reopened or amended once the closing date has passed.
After the application is submitted
After the closing date, the Department of Regional NSW will review applications against the eligibility and merit assessment criteria. Recommendations for funding will be made to an Assessment Panel. The Assessment Panel will consider applications within each Local Land Services region. The Assessment Panel’s advice and recommendations will be provided to the Minister for Agriculture for consideration and final approval.
Successful applicants will be notified confidentially in writing and required to enter into a funding deed with Local Land Services.
Unsuccessful applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application and offered a feedback session to assist with future grant applications.