The MGP commits grant funding to local councils in Greater Sydney and the Central Coast for projects that improve and increase access to regionally significant open space.
Key information
- Status: Closed
- Grant amount: Up to $4,000,000
- Application opened: 1 July 2022
- Application closed: 30 September 2022, 4:00 pm
Program objective
- Improve regionally significant open space, including links between bushland, parks, centres and waterways.
- Enable more effective public use of regionally significant open space.
- Improve access to a diverse mix of open space opportunities for the community of Greater Sydney and the Central Coast.
- Promote partnerships between state and local government.
- Support projects that demonstrate a commitment to improved outcomes for health, sustainability, climate change and communities.
This program is administered by Department of Planning and Environment.
Who can apply
Bayside Council | Blacktown City Council | Blue Mountains City Council |
Burwood Council | Camden Council | Campbelltown City Council |
Central Coast Council | City of Canada Bay | Canterbury-Bankstown Council |
Cumberland Council | Fairfield City Council | Georges River Council |
Hawkesbury City Council | Hills Shire Council | The Hornsby Shire Council |
The Council of the Municipality of Hunters Hill | Inner West Council | Ku-ring-gai Council |
Lane Cove Municipal Council | Liverpool City Council | Mosman Municipal Council |
North Sydney Council | Northern Beaches Council | City of Parramatta Council |
Penrith City Council | Randwick City Council | City of Ryde Council |
Strathfield Municipal Council | Sutherland Shire Council | City of Sydney |
Waverley Shire Council | City of Willoughby | Wollondilly Shire Council |
Woollahra Municipal Council |
Types of projects funded under this grant
Capital works:
- walking tracks and recreational/bicycle trails
- playgrounds
- bushland and environmental management or restoration
- interpretative signage and educational programs associated with trails and greenspaces
- conservation works guided by appropriate planning and assessment
- park and open-space development and upgrading
- recreation facilities
- soft-landscape works
- hard-landscape works
Planning projects:
- local council open-space strategies
- regional open-space feasibility studies
- master plans or plans of management
- recreation trails planning, feasibility or master plans (no construction)
- natural/cultural heritage studies, interpretation,
- archaeological investigation, conservation management plan, bushland - or vegetation management plans.
What can’t you apply for
- Projects outside NSW.
- Purchase or lease of land.
- Funding of personnel or staff positions.
- Civil works associated with car parks • amenities blocks • seawalls and jetties.
- Buying or upgrading non-fixed equipment.
- Events, marketing, branding, advertising or product promotion.
- Projects requiring ongoing funding from the NSW Government.
- Retrospective funding to cover any project component that is already complete or underway.
What your application needs to include
You can also download the complete
Metropolitan Greenspace Program Grant Guidelines 2022-23 (PDF 2.56MB) .1
- Answer all questions in the application form
- Include a cover letter signed by the council's Chief Executive Officer/General Manager authorising this application for grant funding under the Metropolitan Greenspace Program.
- Matched funding–grant funding must be matched dollar for dollar with cash funding; in-kind contributions may be included.
- Regional status of open space–you must demonstrate the regional qualities of the open-space project for which you are seeking funding and contribution to Green Grid.
- Project Merit (50%)
- Project Deliverability (50%)
Start the application
- Familiarise yourself with the grant requirements set out in the Metropolitan Greenspace Program guidelines and determine if you are eligible.
- Complete and submit your application in SmartyGrants by 4pm, 30 September 2022.
After the application is submitted
The applications will be assessed and both successful and unsuccessful applicants will be notified.